
来源:经验交流材料 时间:2018-06-18 10:00:01 阅读:



  〔纪念碑〕各位游客朋友们,现在我们来到了雨花台烈士纪念碑前的一层平台上。现在看到的就是雨花台烈士纪念碑。该景点由纪念碑、碑廊、地下展厅三部分组成雨花台导游词雨花台导游词。 雨花台烈士纪念碑于1989年建成于雨花台主峰。纪念碑碑高42。3米,寓意1949年4月23日南京解放。南京是旧中国首都,它的解放日纪念意义是特殊而重大的。纪念碑由碑帽、碑身、碑座三部分构成,碑帽像红旗又似火炬;碑身正面是邓小平亲笔题写的"雨花台烈士纪念碑"八个烫金大字。背面是江苏省、南京市人民政府撰写的碑文。
  沿着东侧的山路南上,我们现在便来到主峰。眼前石阶上立有雨花台烈士纪念碑。纪念碑由碑帽、碑身、碑座三部分组成,造型似红旗、似火炬,它高42.3米,寓意南京在1949年4月23日解放。碑身上方有雨花台的标记——日月同辉图案,象征着烈士的精神与天地共存,与日月同辉。碑身正面是邓小平同志亲笔题写的雨花台烈士纪念碑八个镏金大字,背面有省市政府合著的碑文。在纪念碑的前面还屹立着一尊以宁死不屈为主题的青铜雕塑,他 是众多共产党人和爱国志士的象征,体现的是烈士坚贞不屈,视死如归的气概。 纪念碑前方广场的左右两侧,各有5只用花岗岩雕刻的石棺,正中间还有三只巨大的花岗岩石花圈,显得庄严肃穆。不知各位有没有发现,雨花台许多建筑都是用花岗岩建造的,
  1、国际歌碑、国歌碑的位置及内容 2、“缅怀”雕塑简介 3、纪念桥(点到即可) 我们前方看见的是倒影池,建筑学家利用原有地形,运用物理学折光原理,巧妙地将纪念碑、纪念馆的影像在池中南北两端水面上显现出来,形成独特的景致,供人们欣赏。倒影池南北两端各有一块花岗岩和大理石质地的照壁,在北面的照壁上用汉、壮、蒙、维吾尔、藏五种民族文字镌刻着《国际歌》,南面的这块则用五种文字镌刻着《中华人民共和国国歌》。 倒影池南端两侧有两座相对肃然矗立高5.5米的圆雕,战士手握钢枪肃立,少女扶手胸前, 表达了人民群众缅怀先烈,继承遗志的主题。
  穿过纪念桥,我们就来到了雨花台烈士纪念馆,这是由著名的建筑大师杨廷宝先生设计的,齐康教授完成。纪念馆采用了重檐庑殿顶的传统建筑风格,东西长90米。南北两翼各伸展49米,主堡高26米,南北两侧门楣上嵌有“日月同辉”的标记,馆名是邓小平同志亲手题写的。今年适逢中国共产党建党九十周年大庆,纪念馆也整修一新,进行了全新的布展,现在就请大家随我尽管一探究竟。 纪念馆的展厅由五个部分组成,他们分别是以雨立方为主题的序言厅;展示烈士生平事迹的基本陈列厅,展示在南京工作过的烈士事迹的专题厅;党和国家领导人参观雨花台的光荣厅;展示今天美好生活的幸福厅。新馆共展出170位烈士的生平事迹,用8组具有艺术感染力的场景,35个感人至深的故事,向我们展示了革命烈士伟大崇高的人格和真实感人的形象。我们现在看到这两尊雕像是邓中夏和罗登贤,他们是雨花台牺牲烈士中职务最高的,当时都是党中央政治局委员,也是早期著名的工人领袖。 【思源广场、忠魂亭】1、思源池 2、“忠魂颂”浮雕数量及内容
  各位游客,我们现在来到的是雨花茶文化区。雨花茶是中国十大名茶之一,它形似松针、条索紧直、色绿似翠、挺拔秀丽,色、香、味、形俱美,深得人们青睐。古人认为,喝茶是一件十分风雅十分讲究的事,光有好的茶叶还不够,还得有好的水来冲泡,有了好水,还得有好的茶具。在雨花台,除了有好茶,还有一股清泉,名为永宁泉,号称:江南第二泉,现在,在景区内有二泉茶社,大家走累了,可以在这里歇歇脚,品尝一下第二泉水冲泡的雨花茶。 现在我们来到了国内唯一一家收藏研究雨花石的专业博物馆,雨花石含有玛瑙和玉髓的成分,也称为雨花玛瑙。苏东坡曾赞它:纹如指上螺,它以晶莹的质地、丰富的色彩、奇妙的纹理、生动的形象被称为“天赐国宝、中华一绝”。雨花石博物馆,展出了质色形纹上佳的雨花石精品。一些石头上不仅有美丽的花纹,还巧夺天工的生成各种图案,犹如一幅天然的山水人物画卷,令人啧啧称奇。


  I just came back from XI"an .As is known to everyone ,Xi"an is an ancient city it is the capital of many dynasties of china and also one of the most famous ancient capital in the world ..but ,after the tour in Xi"an I found it"s another attractive side .there have a lot of local refreshments which is very delicious .and the modern transportation is very convenient .the modern building is also coming up one after another .As we admired the splendid relics we also impressed by the recent achievements it has achieved .by the way ,the weather in there is pretty comfortable .and accommodation is also very cheap .All in all ,the trip in Xi"an is really a nice memory for me .
  Xi"an is the capital of Shanxi province in China and a sub-provincial city.As one of the most important cities in Chinese history,Xi"an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China for it has been the capital of 13 dynasties,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,and the Tang.Xi"an is also renowned for being the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and for the location of the Terracotta Army from Qin Dynasty.The city has more than 3,100 years of history.It was called Chang"an in ancient times.
  Since 1990s,as part of the economic revival of interior China,especially the central and northwest regions,in addition to a history of manufacturing and solid industrial establishments,Xi"an has become an important cultural,industrial and educational center of the central-northwest region,with facilities for research and development,national security and China"s space exploration program.
  National Day, stay at home is really boring, rather than taking a trip, tour attractions, open horizon。 After mom and dad deliberation, finally decided to go to Xi‘an this beautiful and ancient city play。 Hear the Xi‘an, my heart is like the fire of general excited, you know, Xi‘an piece but the civilized world one of the four mountains -- Huashan, it can make me not excited?On the road, my heart began to excited, really want to go to Xi‘an, to Xi‘an, sun has kissed the Xishan and we waved goodbye。 Or to find a place for two days, and keep the good spirit to tourist attractions。
  The very next day early in the morning, day daybreak, we sat on the train to Huashan, arrived at the foot of the mountain, looked up, is really a grand adventure, now Huashan is clouds around half a body, like a fairy who dressed in white clothes just sit in the。 Will be able to sit on the ropeway cable car area a few minutes by car from the foot of the hill, looking down from the cable car, really scared out in a cold sweat, dozens of feet high cliff cliff rises straight from the ground, spectacular。
  To the waist to walk by himself, in the mountains, fresh air, have a look around, as if place oneself in the dream, his very。 Leading to the higher place in only one way, it also should permit a saying -- ancient Huashan road。 In this way, I saw a lot of odd shape stone and wonderful scenery, but the road more walk more insurance, more waalk more far, we walked half has deflated, and then watch the wonderful scenery。 Fluttering around a morning, finally be reluctant to part of the farewell to this mountain。The third day, the Famen Temple makes me full of the journey, the first to the door first Yingru my eye is the beautiful decoration。 The hall, go inside is even more amazing, every section of the road will have two Bodhisattvas in my sight, like the Buddha every true to life likeness, like living。 Because of the time, we didn‘t enter the hall, but I still can imagine the hall look beautiful decoration。
  Bid farewell to the Famen Temple, also bid farewell to the Xi‘an this beautiful city and ancient, we also should go home, on the way home, my excited mood or a long time can not be calm。


  Now we are on the way to the Linggu Temple Park. On our right there is a fishing terrace with beige glazed tiles built in 1937. It was a monument to Dr. Sun Yatsen from the National Military Academy, which was founded by Dr. Sun Yatsen in 1924.
  Linggu Temple lies about one and a half kilometers to the east of Dr. Sun Yatsen "s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in the ancient times and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the Purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription "The First Buddhist Forest " at the entrance to the mountain. Inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant, so it is called the "Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines".It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing.
  Inside the temple there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynasty. The hall, 53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22 meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood. There are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges. In size, the Beamless Hall stands first and foremost of its kind in China. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other five of the same kind in the other areas: Xiangtong Temple at Wutai Mountain; Yongzuo Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province; Wannian Temple on Ermei Mountain in Sichuan; Kaiyuan Temple in Shzhou and Longchang Temple in Jurong County. It far surpasses them all in solidity and magnificence. No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The difficulty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architectural technology of the time in China.
  Beyond the Beamless Hall are the Wind-through-pines Pavilion and a nine-storeyed, over sixty-meter-high octagonal pagoda, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each storey. Inside the pagoda a spiral staircase winds to the top through the nine stories. When one gets to the top story and gaze into the distance, one can get a view of the entire mausoleum area.
  篇四:City Wall
  The imposing city wall, as high as a five-story building, is the good impression of the visitors to Nanjing.
  The building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who, two years later, founded the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). More than 200,000 people worked on the project and many of them died before the wall was completed in 1368.
  The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. It was the longest city wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained the world"s largest until the 17thcentury.
  In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case a brick was found not up to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished.
  Different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient Chinese cities, Nanjing"s wall followed the natural terrain and was built on a foundation of huge rocks. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. Many parts of the wall are still in good condition.
  The city wall has 24 gates, among which the Zhonghua (China) Gate, formerly called the Treasure Pot Gate, is the largest. Covering an area of 15,168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors. Behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. The heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. If enemy troops broke through the first wooden door, they could be separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. This strategy is known in China as "beating dogs behind a bolted door."
  The first entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. These tunnels are big enough to accommodate more than 3,000 soldiers and store large quantity of food and ammunitions. On its both sides there are wide horse ramps. At the top, a rostrum allows a commanding view. Unfortunately, this rostrum and parts of the wall were destroyed by the Japanese during the Second World War.
  Now the Nanjing Municipal Government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated.
  篇五:Confucius Temple
  To the south of Nanjing, sits the Confucius Temple on the bank of the Qinhuai River in the old town. Built in the Song Dynasty, it is the ritual place of worshipping and offering sacrifices to Confucius. But now the whole area, after its recent renovation and restoration, becomes a replica of old local life and typical architecture in Ming and Qing styles. Accomplished with the secondary reconstructing project on the basis of its original scale in 1997, the dainty snacks street, Wang"s and Xie"s old residences in Wuyi Lane and the Oriental Art Courtyard have been restored to increase the cultural atmosphere in the temple area.
  Former Residence of Wang"s and Xie"s at Wuyi (Black Clothes) Lane.
  The place was the former army garrison of Wu Kingdom, which dates back to over 1,700 years ago. The soldiers wore black clothes at that time, hence the name, Wuyi Lane. In early East Jin Dynasty, Prime Minister Wang Dao lived here. Wuyi Lane gradually became the residence area for Wang"s and Xie"s (Xie An was also a high-ranking official during East Jin Dynasty). During the mid-Tang Dynasty, poet Lin Yuxi visited Wuyi Lane and sighed in his famous poem, "The swallows from the residence of wang"s and Xie"s are now entering the ordinary people"s houses". The poem gives us a faint idea of the splendor of Wuyi Lane during the East Jin Dynasty. In 1997, the Qinhuai District People"s Government renovated Wuyi Lane and Former Residence of Wang"s and Xie"s. It provides a wonderful place for tourists to understand the history of Nanjing during the six dynasties (Wu Kingdom, East Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen dynasties, 229AD-589AD). Inside the residence there are many paintings, books and carvings of historic and artistic value.
  Located on the Qinhuai River at the Confucius Temple Area, Nanjing Oriental Art Gallery is a building made of blue bricks and tiny tiles. Its graceful courtyard, secluded corridors, doors and windows with carvings and lattices reflect the style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The art gallery was also called "Qifeng Gallery", since it was built by Zhu Qifeng, who lived in the period of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty in Anhui Province. The gallery served as a place for the men in Zhu family to study for the imperial examination. This typical Anhui style building is the only one well preserved from Ming and Qing period at Confucius Temple area.
  Fold Art Exhibition
  Displayed here include kites, scented bags, door paintings, batik, coloured string knots, paper-cutting, masks, tree-root carvings, pyrograph, eccentric stones, and South China style paintings and calligraphy, Rain flower pebbles and woodcarvings.
  Shadow Play
  The 1,600-year-old shadow play only exists in China"s Heilongjiang, Henan and Nanjing. Nanjing Shadow Play Troupe can play over a dozen of acts shadow play. When invited, the troupe can play for at hotel.
  Local Delicacies
  Nanjing Oriental Art Gallery has a restaurant with 50 seats. People can try the delicacies of Qinhuai River area.
  Confucius Temple is located at the center of the old town of Nanjing. First build in the Song Dynasty; Confucius Temple was a place where students came to pay respect to Confucius. It was gradually renovated and expanded to a place with a group of Ming and Qing style buildings. A street of local delicacies, Former Residence of Wang"s and Xie"s at Wuyi Lane, and Nangjing Oriental Art Gallery were rebuilt and renovated in1997. Confucius Temple Area becomes a commercial and tourist site. It is a good place for tourists to understand traditional Chinese culture.
  Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center was located to east of Confucius Temple. It was first built during Song Dynasty in a grand scale. It was called Jiangnan Examination Center because there was Jiangnan Province in Qing Dynasty. Chinese emperors began to select officials through imperial examination from Sui Dynasty in the 7thcentury.
  Jiangnan Imperial Examination Center had its heyday during early Ming Dynasty when Nanjing was the capital of China. It was for the examinations at province level. Visitors today can see a watchtower, where the invigilators watched the students during the examinations, a good number of stone tablets and 40 cubicles where the students took the examinations in the daytime and slept at night. Sometimes visitors can also see a demonstration of the imperial examination.

