
来源:春节作文 时间:2019-06-17 14:30:10 阅读:





  A happy day Today,I got up very early,I had a very good breakfast,then I went out to play with my friend,We had a very good time.In the afternoon,I went swimming with my father,it was very hot,but we felt very good in the water.After supper I began to do my homework,I didn't think it is difficult,so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed 翻译:快乐的一天今天我起得非常早,并且吃了非常棒的早餐,之后我出门找我的朋友玩.我们玩得很开心.下午的时候,我和老爹出去游泳,天气非常热,不过我们在水里倒是觉得不错.晚饭过后我开始做我的作业,我并不认为它有多难,所以我很早就做完了.之后我阅读了一些书就睡觉了.


  In the morning,I got up earlier and had breakfast fast.Then,I went to the nearest bathhouse with my father.On the way back home,we bought plenty of fireworks and firecrackers.What I liked most was a set of fireworks called Xingguangcuican in Chinese.I was told that It was beautiful enough to compete with any other kinds of fireworks.At three o'clock in the afternoon,we had a big meal.All the family members got togerther around the table.Beside my parents and me,there were my grandparents,my cousins and their parents.There were elven people altogether.During the dinner,we talked and laughed happily.At eight in the evening,we began to watch annual gala on CCTV.Needless to say ,everyone gave their comments on TV program..The most exciting time came when it was half hour ahead of the middle night----the beginning of the new year.we all went out and lit the fireworks and fire crackers,which were exploding and lighting in the sky.

  It would bring us good luck and fortune in the new year.What an unforgettable day!It will stay with me all of my life 在早晨,我很早就起床了,并共进早餐.然后,我和我的父亲去了最近的浴室.在回家的路上,我们买了大量的烟花爆竹.我最喜欢的是一个集烟花叫xingguangcuican中文.我被告知这是美丽的足够的竞争与其他类型的烟花.在下午三点,我们吃了一顿大餐.所有的家庭成员一起围坐在桌旁了.我的父母和我,还有我的祖父母,我的姐妹和他们的家长.精灵人共有.在晚饭的时候,我们高兴地说笑着.在晚上八点,我们开始看中央电视台的年度盛会.不用说,每个人都把自己的意见的电视节目.最激动人心的时刻来到时,新的一年半小时前半夜----开始.我们都走了出去,点燃烟花爆竹,这是爆炸和照明的天空.



  Today is Saturday, my family and I go to have a picnic in the park, I feel so excited, because our family does not have the activity for a long time. At first, I go to see the park and play for a while, then I come back to my parents, and join them. I play games with my parents, they laugh happily. Today is a happy day for me.


七年级英语帮扶过程 小学英语教师家长会发言稿 没有规矩,不成方圆。 my mother 最难忘的一段经历 韩语短文对话 我的寒假 我明白了 九年级英语学科小结 初中教师个人述职 美丽的秋天短文 my weekend pian 酒店前厅部表扬词 工商银行守库监控中心社会化管理的利与弊 小学数学学期教学反思 小学英语教师工作述职 校本研修成果 趣味知识竞赛题库 -1.你是LiMing,是一名非常优秀的学生,学习非常刻苦,英语数学成绩突出;乐于助人;有许多爱好,喜欢打篮球,踢足球、听音乐、绘画、集邮等,在家里经常... 2015全国统一考试英语2 2014年全国各地高考模拟卷 2014年用下面的短语组成 2014人教版七年级英语下册知识点归纳 2015仁爱九年级英语期末复习选择题 2012滨海新区五校联考英语 2014.吉林高考复习检测博士学位 2014年高考新课标2英语语法填空 2014全国统一考试英语湖北卷完型 2015初三政治知识点 15年46级英语词汇 lastspring完形填空翻译 it用法练习题及答案 五年级家长怎样与老师沟通的发言稿 mydaystarted 会计师职称 asageneralrule完形填空翻译 仁爱九年级上册期末复习 你叫李华你最喜欢的运动你追喜欢乒乓球 mottoisashortstatementgivingaruleonhowtobehave的语法填空,和翻译 做语法填空的技巧 信息化教学设计教案 itwasasaturdayMom阅读理解 八年级上册人教版地理复习大题 Sheisoneofthegirlswhoisveryinterestedinmaths改错 七选五therearemanyreasonswhypeoplesufferfromstress答案 whatdoyourdreamsmean任务型阅读 一、单项选择题读图,P、Q是与地球相邻的大行星,M是地球的自然卫星。回答1~2题右图为太阳系局部图,黑点表示小行星带。读图回答第3小题 2016长宁区高三生物一模 “你说我整天欢笑不懂烦恼却看不到我深夜颓废的模样”英语翻译 三人的话剧



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