
来源:叙事作文 时间:2018-08-02 15:00:02 阅读:



  There are a lot of valid, rich and colorful legends about the origin of the Lunar New Year. They can be traced to thousands of years ago, among which the most famous one is the legend of Monster Nian. Monster Nian was a cruel wild animal. Ancient people believed that Monster Nian would come out to eat people on New Year’s Eve. It was said that Monster Nian was afraid of red, fire and noise. In order to repel it, people would put the red notes on doors and keep the torch alight all night as well as set off firecrackers. Early next morning, people greeted each other. The air was filled with the victory and the rebirth joy.
  Origin of the Spring Festival
  Spring Festival is the lunar Suishou, is also our ancient traditional festivals. Ancient-off "year" is not in the twelfth lunar month on the 29th or on the 30th, but in the "wax on", that later, "Laba." Southern and Northern Dynasties later, the "wax Festival" to the end of the year. To the Republican era, the switch to Gregorian calendar was only then that the lunar year is called "Spring Festival", because the Spring Festival is generally in the "Spring," both before and after.
  翻译:春节,是农历的岁首,也是我国古老的传统节日。古代过“年”不是在腊月二十九日或三十日,而是在“蜡日”,即后来的“腊八”。南北朝以后,把“蜡祭”移至岁末。到了民国时 ,改用阳历,才把阴历年叫“春节”,因为春节一般都在“立春”前后。
  The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means year, was originally the name of a monster beast that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year.
  One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. To Nian he said, I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents? So, it did swallow many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harrassed people and their domestic animals from time to time.
  After that, the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an immortal god. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are also scared into forests, people begin to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he had told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each year"s end to scare away Nian in case it sneaked back again, because red is the color the beast feared the most.



  The origins of the fans are not isolated, but they are growing with the development of modern football in britain. England is the birthplace of modern football, and also the cradle of modern football. As for the origin and development of modern soccer, there have been many archaeological investigations, since it was two hundred years ago.
  The real origins are closely related to the political, economic and cultural background of the sport. At the beginning of the nineteenth Century, the first industrial revolution in Britain, the economy entered the age of mass production, a large number of unemployed rural population into the city, the city expands rapidly, while the British Trade and global wide influence, but also creates a very efficient to transfer information in the context of the global information network.
  Against this backdrop, some of London"s elite private schools began to play soccer games in their spare time. The school encourages students to participate in team sports, in order to strengthen their physique and to cultivate their team spirit.
  At this time no what football rules, holding a kick, everyone in the rain under the mud bentu Puzou, showing the power of youth. At this point of the onlookers, students can also be regarded as the original British fans.


  American flag for a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10 for the Stars and Stripes (the Star-Spangled Banner), the upper-left corner flag for the blue stars surface area of the stars a few provisions in the respective departments, the United States is the state flag on the number of a few of the stars. Star 13 is outside the red and white stripes, 13 stripes on behalf of the original 13 colonies in North America. According to Washington, said: symbol of the United Kingdom with red stripes, white stripes and a symbol of freedom from it. More general argument that the red symbol of strength and courage, a symbol of purity and innocence of white, blue is a symbol of vigilance, perseverance and justice. In 1818 the U.S. Congress pass the bill, red and white flag on the fixed width for the 13, the number of five-pointed star should be in line with several states of America. Each additional state, the national flag on a star to increase, the general in the new states to join the second year after the implementation of July 4. So far has been the national flag to 50 stars, representing the 50 U.S. states. June 14 each year as "the development of the anniversary of the American flag." On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America.
  美国国旗为长方形,长宽之比为19:10,为星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内的星数于有关部门规定,美国的州数就是国旗上的星数。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征强大和勇气,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色则象征警惕,坚韧不拔和正义。1818年美国国会通过法案,国旗上的红白宽条固定为13道,五角星数目应与合众国州数一致。每增加一个州,国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后的第二年7月4日执行。至今国旗上已增至50颗星,代表美国的50个州。每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日”。在这一天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对合众国的热爱。

