沙尘暴 英语作文|关于沙尘暴的高中英语作文三篇

来源:学校工作总结 时间:2019-04-10 20:30:06 阅读:





  Nowadays sandstorm becomes such a serious problem. It pollutes the air and disturbs the daily lives of people.

  I think we should solve this problem as soon as possible. My suggestions are as follow: for one thing, more funds ought to be put into trees planting and forest protection so as to keep more water resources within the surface of the earth. For another, governments of all countries should found some laws concerning environmental protection.

  Everyone knows that there is only one earth, lf we go on destroying her, it won’t be fit for us to live in any longer. Now it’s time for us to love her, take good care of her and cure her.


  THE city's meteorological observatory issued a white warning sign Thursday indicating the city's weather could be influenced by a tropical sand storm in the next two days.

  The meteorological observatory in Beijing said the storm could hit the city.

  "Coastal areas in eastern Beijing could have winds as strong as force 8," the observatory said.

  The air quality will become rather terrible with the sand storm.

  The wind and sand will cause the city pulluted.

  Terrible sand storm!


  Sandstorm refers to the strong wind raised ground dust, the air becomes cloudy, horizontal visibility is less than 1km of severe weather phenomena. In meteorology, where the horizontal visibility is less than 1km effective sand phenomenon, known as dust storms. Sandstorm is an extreme phenomenon of wind erosion, unlike dust and blowing sand weather. It occurs mainly in arid and semi-arid regions, but also spread to even the humid sub-humid areas. Recent years, China's sandstorms appeared earlier time, wide large high frequency, intensity, range, at home and abroad are rare. Sandstorm is a kind of meteorological disasters, but also a sign of the deterioration of the ecological environment. The reason sandstorm formed: one on the ground dust material; the second is the wind; the third is unstable air condition, four are arid climate; in addition to the El Nino and La Nina phenomenon. Sandstorm hazards: deterioration of ecological environment; reduction of land resources; and people will live and affected; infrastructure affecting transport, electricity and other operating; agricultural production; causing loss of life and property. Sandstorm Countermeasures: to do a good job planting trees and grass, and increase vegetation cover; enhance prevention awareness, strengthen the dust storm warning capacity; curb the progress of desertification; reduce sabotage factors

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