
来源:经验交流材料 时间:2018-08-08 15:00:02 阅读:



  钱多钱少,够吃就好。人丑人美,顺眼就好。 人老人少,健康就好。家穷家富,和气就好。 老公晚归,有回就好。老婆唠叨,顾家就好。
  孩子从小,就要教好。博士也好,卖菜也好。 长大以后,心安就好。房屋大小,能住就好。 名不名牌,能穿就好。两轮四轮,能驾就好。 老板不好,能忍就好。一切烦恼,能解就好。 坚持执着,放下最好。人的一生,平安就好。 不是有钱,一定会好。心好行好,命能改好。 谁是谁非,天知就好。修福修慧,来世更好。 说这么多,明白就好。天地万物,随缘就好。 很多事情,看开就好。人人都好,日日都好。 你好我好,世界更好。总而言之,知足最好。
  篇二:17种简单方法 让你的话语 更有说服力
  17种简单方法 让你的话语 更有说服力!...。...!
  1. 自信。 如果你想让别人听你说的,那么首先你要相信自己。在走路、谈话、穿衣方面展现自信


  Dear xx,
  Your delightful present,xx,reched me xx and I must thank you very much indeed for it.It was awfully kind of you to think of me.You could not have chosen anything else that would have given me more pleasure.I put it to use right away,and have already had some pleasant time out of it.
  Once again,many thanks.
  yours xxx
  Dear wangyan,
  I enjoyed your hospitality during my three-day stay in Tianjin.Your new house is very beautiful,and your cooking is out of the world .your sister,Wangdan,is very kind-hearted.Not only did she help us wash clothes,but also helped make the bed.
  the trip was great getting together with you two once again.don"t forget the invitation to pop in on me the next time you"re in Beijing.
  thanks again..and say hello to your sister.
  All my best,
  Dear Lucy,
  I am writing to express my sincere thanks for your beautiful flowers. I’d like you to know how much your flowers meant to me. You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift. I not only enjoyed your flowers, but also the delicate vase. I shall ever remember this gift as one of the most precious things in my life.
  I will not be very busy the following days. I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. Would you kindly let me know what time you are at convenience?
  I will feel very happy if you have time to make me a call. How nice it would be to see you again and I am looking forward to seeing you next time!
  I repeat my thanks again for your lovely flowers. Please give my kind regards to your family.
  Yours truly,
  Dear Chen Lin and Li Hua,
  I’ve just been out of hospital for a couple of days. Right now ,I am really fine, but without your support, I wouldn’t have got better so soon.
  You know, the traffic accident gave me a very hard blow, both physically and mentally. In the first two weeks after my injury, I almost lost my confidence in my future life. It is the doctors’and your encouragement that rendered me much strength and determination。
  Anyway, I learned a lot from this unfortunate accident. I’d neverrealize how important your friendship was to me. I can’t say anymore to show my gratitude for your taking turns keeping me company,and getting me through the blue time.
  Next Saturday, my mother would give a recovery party to thank myfriends. I really want to see you there. So, 7 o’clock at my place,OK?
  Your truly,
  Li Ming


  Dear xx,
  Your delightful present,xx,reched me xx and I must thank you very much indeed for it.It was awfully kind of you to think of me.You could not have chosen anything else that would have given me more pleasure.I put it to use right away,and have already had some pleasant time out of it.
  Once again,many thanks.
  Dear Lucy,
  I am writing to express my sincere thanks for your beautiful flowers. I’d like you to know how much your flowers meant to me. You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift. I not only enjoyed your flowers, but also the delicate vase. I shall ever remember this gift as one of the most precious things in my life.
  I will not be very busy the following days. I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. Would you kindly let me know what time you are at convenience?
  I will feel very happy if you have time to make me a call. How nice it would be to see you again and I am looking forward to seeing you next time!
  I repeat my thanks again for your lovely flowers. Please give my kind regards to your family.
  Yours truly,
  Hi xx!
  I’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . Are you OK? I hope you happy everyday.
  We have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not English , another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing English . Some people think it is boring in the classes , but I think this is very enjoyable .
  I love my life now . because I always feel fulfilled all day . I am so busy that I can’t play ping-pong . I think it is my desire to enjoy life.
  I want to travel to Mountain Hua . Three years ago I went there , but don’t go to the top , so I must go there when I have free time.
  Take care yourself
  Love Young!

