
来源:信息简报 时间:2018-07-29 15:00:03 阅读:



  1. 听写
  部分同学会急于用这2分钟浏览听力考题,导致听写部分出现一些“小儿科”错误。单词的单复数、过去时态、has/is 的错用、主谓一致等都是在这2分钟内可以检查并更正的。另外一个要注意的就是,根据得分、扣分的规则,如果有一句话基本没听清楚,那放弃这句话去检查其它句子才是明智之举。听写是专四的第一题,它的成败在很大程度上决定了考生的心情。在这六周时间里,每个早晨从听写开始,培养自己的答题风格。
  2. 听力
  首先是听,如果你还没有听过历届专八真题,那么花三天左右的时间先从真题开始;接下来的二十多天时间,听法语广播,首推RFI的franais facile,资源在沪江法语频道都有,并附有法语原文,大家一定不要投机取巧,对着原文听广播,应该先听几遍广播,大致弄懂意思了再参考原文,看有哪些重点遗漏;此外,沪江听写酷中的听力填空题建议多做。对于已经听完专八真题的同学,就可以省去第一步骤了。
  这个比较考验基本语法。万变不离其宗,翻开自己上课时的笔记本吧,认真温习这4年来学过的语法,最好是边看边读,记忆的效果会更好。若觉得四周时间紧,就先着重看大二的。要知道,对法语学生来说 ,大学四年最重要的一年,就是大二。大二比较集中的讲了法语的各种时态和语法,当然这并不代表其他3年都是白上的,大一的语音,大三和大四的语法以及阅读都是非常非常重要的,缺一不可。都需要在专八考试前温习一遍。


  Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.
  If you have a good neighbor, you are a lucky person. You have someone who cares about your needs and your property, who is helpful in the little day-to-day situations that come up, and who is supportive in times of crisis.
  A good neighbor is someone who, for instance, understands that your children may occasionally run across his lawn, even though you tell them not to. He’ll realize that children can be careless about things like that, and he won’t make a big fuss about it unless it becomes a regular thing. In the same vein, he knows that you’ll understand if some of the trash from his trash cans blows across into your yard. IN other words, he is sensitive to the unintentional things that can happen. He doesn’t make a big deal about them.
  A good neighbor is also respectful of your property. For example, she asks your permission before doing anything that interferes with what’s yours. This means she wouldn’t plant a huge tree in between your houses without asking how you feel about it. If she wanted to put up a fence, she would let you know first. She might work with you to decide where it should be placed. Maybe the two of you would even split the cost.
  A good neighbor would lend you some milk if you ran out . She’d give you a ride to work if your car was broken, and let your children stay at her house in the evening if you got stuck working overtime. You would do the same for her. Both of you would help make the other’s life easier.
  when something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can. This could mean something small, like making some casseroles to put in your freezer to feed vesting relatives, Or it could mean something big, like helping you get through the sadness of the funeral.
  I think only someone who has experienced a bad neighbor can really appreciate a good one! A good neighbor can be a good friend. He or she can make all the difference in the world to your life
  Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
  Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree. I don’t understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don’t attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class.
  In class they receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge. The best teachers do more than just go over the material in than class textbook. They draw their students into discussion of the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject.
  Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they’ve learned to other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can’t learn them just by reading the textbook.
  Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they’re with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal.
  Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at a place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.
  In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college.


  WHY SHOULD anyone buy the latest volume in the ever-expanding Dictionary of National Biography? I do not mean that it is bad, as the reviewers will agree. But it will cost you 65 pounds. And have you got the rest of volumes? You need the basic 22 plus the largely decennial supplements to bring the total to 31. Of course, it will be answered, public and academic libraries will want the new volume. After all, it adds 1,068 lives of people who escaped the net of the original compilers. Yet in 10 years time a revised version of the whole caboodle, called the New Dictionary of National Biography, will be published. Its editor, Professor Colin Matthew, tells me that he will have room for about 50,000 lives, some 13,000 more than in the current DNB.
  This rather puts the 1,068 in Missing Persons in the shade. When Dr Nicholls wrote to the Spectator in 1989 asking for names of people whom readers had looked up in the DNB and had been disappointed not to find, she says that she received some 100,000 suggestions. (Well, she had written to "other quality newspapers" too. ) As soon as her committee had whittled the numbers down, the professional problems of an editor began. Contributors didnt file copy on time; some who did sent too many: 50,000 words instead of 500 is a record, according Dr Nicholls. There remains the dinner-party game of whos out. That is a game that the reviewers have played and will continue to play. Criminals were my initial worry. After all, the original edition of the DNB boasted: Malefactors whose crimes excite a permanent interest have received hardly less attention than benefactors. Mr. John Gross clearly had similar anxieties, for he complains that, while the murderer Christie is in, Crippen is out. One might say in reply that the injustice of the hanging of Evans instead of Christie was a force in the repeal of capital punishment in Britain, as Ludovie Kennedy (the author of Christie entry in Missing Persons) notes.
  But then Crippen was reputed as the first murderer to be caught by telegraphy (he had tried to escaped by ship to America). It is surprising to find Max Miller excluded when really not very memorable names get in. There has been a conscious effort to put in artists and architects from the Middle Ages. About their lives not much is always known. Of Hugo of Bury St. Edmunds, a 12th-century illuminator whose dates of birth and death are not recorded, his biographer comments:" Whether or not Hugo was a wall-painter, the records f his activities as carver and manuscript painter attest to his versatility". Then there had to be more women, too (12 per cent, against the original DBNs 3), such as Roy Strongs subject, the Tudor painter Levina Teerlinc, of whom he remarks:" her most characteristic feature is a head attached to a too small, spindly body. Her technique remained awkward, thin and often cursory". Doesnt seem to qualify her as a memorable artist. Yet it may be better than the record of the original DNB, which included lives of people who never existed (such as Merlin) and even managed to give thanks to J. W. Clerke as a contributor, though , as a later edition admits in a shamefaced footnote, "except for the entry in the List of Contributors there is no trace of J. W. Clerke".
  14. The writer suggests that there is no sense in buying the latest volume ______
  A) because it is not worth the price.
  B) because it has fewer entries than before.
  C) unless one has all the volumes in his collection.
  D) unless an expanded DNB will come out shortly.
  15. On the issue of who should be included in the DNB, the writer seems to suggest that ______
  A) the editors had clear rules to follow.
  B) there were too many criminals in the entries.
  C) the editors clearly favoured benefactors.
  D) the editors were irrational in their choices.
  16. Crippen was absent from the DNB ______
  A) because he escaped to the U.S.
  B) because death sentence had been abolished.
  C) for reasons not clarified.
  D) because of the editors’ mistake.
  17. The author quoted a few entries in the last paragraph to ______
  A) illustrate some features of the DNB.
  B) give emphasis to his argument.
  C) impress the reader with its content.
  D) highlight the people in the Middle Ages.
  18. Throughout the passage, the writer’s tone towards the DNB was ______
  A) complimentary.
  B) supportive.
  C) sarcastic.
  D) bitter.

