
来源:经验交流材料 时间:2018-05-09 09:51:14 阅读:




  导语:成都,简称蓉,四川省省会、副省级市,中国西南地区的科技、商贸、金融中心和交通枢纽  ,国家重要的高新技术产业基地、商贸物流中心和综合交通枢纽、西部地区重要的中心城市 。以下是小编整理成都的英文导游词的资料,欢迎阅读参考。
ladies and gentlemen:
  on behalf of our travel agency, i would like to extend a welcome to you.wish you have a pleasant stay in chengdu.
  there is a saying that “once you come to chengdu ,you do not want to leave ” which reveal the charming of this city.
  the splendid chengdu city is renowned for its fertile land and agricultural wealth.it is the capital of sichuan province and the center of its economy culture ,politics and information. with many images, chengdu is a colorful and charming city. city of brocade,city of leisure and eden of the east are several of its widely spread names.
  according to historical records “chengdu was built into a city with one year"s effort. and then,it became the capital the next year." in chinese, chengdu literally means "the becoming capital”.
  the total area of chengdu is about 12600 square kilometers, and the city proper occupies an area of 87 square kilometers.according to the recent population census,chengdu"s entire population was close to 11000 million,of which 1/6 live in the urban area lying in the eastern part of chengdu plain,chengdu is strategically situated in western part of the sichuan province by the mingjiang river. it extends about 166 kilometers from east to west about 192 kilometers from north to south.
  chengdu enjoys a generally subtropical and monsoon climate.therefore,warm and moist weather dominate most days of a year.the four seasons are clearly demarcated,the average annual temperature is around 16’c ,while the rainfall is about 997.6million meters.
  topographically speaking, chengdu is high on the relief map in the northwest but low in the southeast.the highest elevation is 5364 meters and the lowest 387 meters.the average elevation of the city is 500 meters.36.4 percent of the land area of chengdu is occupied by plains while 63 percent is hilly lands and mountions.
  for the purpose of administration,chengdu is divided into 7 urban districts, and 12 suburban counties.
  the municipal people"s congress as the legislative body which enacts all the local laws and supervises their execution is the supreme organ through which the citizens exercise their power.the municipal government of chengdu is the executive body of the highest organ of administration.the city flower is the hibiscus and the ginkgo tree is the city tree.
  chengdu is honored as a city of lights ,a sea of flowers, and a home of delicacies.in downtown area,long and wide avenues are dotted with green trees,and pretty flowers are flanked by high-building. chengdu is a beautiful city full of vigor and vitality.besides drinking tea in the local teahouse,and tasting local snacks in some special restaurants,one can either taste the typical sichuan cuisine local wine and find out some local special products like shu embroidery,bamboo-woven porcelain ware and lacquer ware,you would be pleased to immerse into the local chengdu people"s slow pace of live.
  the excavated remains from yangzi mount proved that there were human beings inhabited in chengdu as early as the later stone age
  around 4000-5000 years bc,in the news stone age,people began to live in a much lager scale area.their footprints can be found in chengdu including xinjin, chongzhou and many other counties.
  around 400 years bc,the king of the kaiming dynasty moved its capital to chengdu.since then,chengdu has been the capital of sichuan area for more than XX years. what is more, chengdu as a name for this city has never been changed.
  in 316 bc libing built the dujiangyan irrigation system.by the mid of the eastern han dynasty,the first public school in china was established by wen weng, a magistrate to the shu prefecture.
  chengdu has been a city that many rebels fighting for during the war time. about 7 separated sovereigns were established when the central government was too weak to control this encircled mountainous area. in 24ad, chengjia state was established in chengdu bu gongsun shu.in 221 ad,the shuhan kingdom was built by liubei.in 907 ad,mangjian established the former shu state in chengdu.in 934ad, meng zhixiang established the later shu state in chengdu.in 994ad li shun established the da shun state in chengdu.in 1644ad,zhang xianzhong had the daxi peasant sovereignty established in chengdu.
  as we known,that chengdu has been the formal name for this city since its born,there are also many given nicknames, which tells us the history of chengdu city in a special way. the first city in chengdu built in qin dynasty was nicknamed as “the tortoise city ", for people followed a big tortoise crawling to build the wall.
  in the western han dynasty, with booming economy, chengdu was a highly famed for brocade. the silk and brocade was sold for the overseas. so,it was called“the city of brocade ”.
  as meng chang,the king of the shu state, ordered that the hibiscus planted along the city wall,which made the forty kilometers of the wall as beautiful as brocade, chengdu was known as “the city of hibiscus.”
  nowadays, chengdu as a metropolitan in the western region is famous for its booming economy.in fact,its glory could be traced back long ago. as early as western han dynasty, chengdu with the population of 350000 was listed as one of the most flourishing cities together with luoyang linzi handan yuan.it was in tang dynasty that yanghzou was the most prosperous city while chengdu was in the second place. at that time, the long famed brocade in chengdu was booming with the developed economy together with paper, silk, porcelain and the lacquer ware production.in 1023 ad in the song dynasty, a special administration was set in chengdu to regulate jiaozi the earliest currency issued in china.when marco polo, an italian businessman, arrived in chengdu in yuan dynasty,he was deeply impressed by the prosperity and richness, which had been described vividly in his book,travels.
  with its flourishing economy, talented scholars were born in chengdu area. sima xiangru and yang xiong were the most prominent scholars in the han dynasty. in the following dynasty, many of the talents either were native of chengdu or had certain romance with chengdu city.that all poets under heaven came to chengdu was the slogan at the tang dynasty. li bai, dufu, and xuetao, sushi and luyou just named a few. and zhangdaqian, xu beihong, guo moruo and marshal chengyi were the proud of chengdu city .
  chengdu is proud of its cultural background and scenic beauties. we can see a clear history with all the sites and evidence that exists. on the vast and fertile chengdu plain,there are many historic remains that reveals the past of this city.sangxingdui museum displays the ancient city, ancient kingdom, and ancient shu, which is considered as one of the ten most valuable discoveries in china. the jinsha ruin is anther important remain that has been discovered in recent years.the dujiangyan irrigation system built about XX years age contributes to the fertile land and agricultural wealth of chengdu. in chengdu city, we can visit the royal tomb of wangjian, the wuhou temple, the dufu’thatched cottage, the river viewing pavilion park, and qingyang temple.
  around chengdu sity, there are many beautiful and impressive natural scenery sports, such as mt emei, mt qingcheng, mt xilingxueshan etc.those are the best choices to smell the fresh air.
  the famous cultural city, chengdu,is not only known for her history of more than 2300 years, but also noted for its leisure life style. chengdu portrays itself as the eden of the east, for it is associated with leisure affluence and romance, just like the orifinal garden of eden of biblical reputation,leisure is definitely the true color of the city.
  on a fine day, one can go to a plain tea house, find a bamboo chair,lie on it in the most comfortable position and order a cup of tea. you can half a dozen newspapers and flip through the pages as you like. you might doze off in all the comfort. you might slop tea while watching tea art or various performances, such as the breathing of fire or acrobatics.
  the leisure and idleness of chengdu is also reflected in various local snacks.the snacks are delicious yet inexpensive,and a food break is a good way to kill time. after dusk in the summer, the native like to go out to sit on the dikes of the funan river to drink beer,eat snacks, and enjoy the slow pace of life.
  成都总面积约12600平方公里,市区面积87平方公里。根据最近的人口普查,成都的全部人口接近1亿1千万人,其中1 / 6居住在成都平原东部的城市地区,成都的战略位置位于四川省西部的明江。它从东到西绵延约166公里,从北到南大约192公里。
  公元前4000 - 5000年,在石器时代,人们开始生活在一个更大的范围内。他们的足迹可以在成都发现,包括新进、崇州和其他许多县。



  〔纪念碑〕各位游客朋友们,现在我们来到了雨花台烈士纪念碑前的一层平台上。现在看到的就是雨花台烈士纪念碑。该景点由纪念碑、碑廊、地下展厅三部分组成雨花台导游词雨花台导游词。 雨花台烈士纪念碑于1989年建成于雨花台主峰。纪念碑碑高42。3米,寓意1949年4月23日南京解放。南京是旧中国首都,它的解放日纪念意义是特殊而重大的。纪念碑由碑帽、碑身、碑座三部分构成,碑帽像红旗又似火炬;碑身正面是邓小平亲笔题写的"雨花台烈士纪念碑"八个烫金大字。背面是江苏省、南京市人民政府撰写的碑文。
  沿着东侧的山路南上,我们现在便来到主峰。眼前石阶上立有雨花台烈士纪念碑。纪念碑由碑帽、碑身、碑座三部分组成,造型似红旗、似火炬,它高42.3米,寓意南京在1949年4月23日解放。碑身上方有雨花台的标记——日月同辉图案,象征着烈士的精神与天地共存,与日月同辉。碑身正面是邓小平同志亲笔题写的雨花台烈士纪念碑八个镏金大字,背面有省市政府合著的碑文。在纪念碑的前面还屹立着一尊以宁死不屈为主题的青铜雕塑,他 是众多共产党人和爱国志士的象征,体现的是烈士坚贞不屈,视死如归的气概。 纪念碑前方广场的左右两侧,各有5只用花岗岩雕刻的石棺,正中间还有三只巨大的花岗岩石花圈,显得庄严肃穆。不知各位有没有发现,雨花台许多建筑都是用花岗岩建造的,
  1、国际歌碑、国歌碑的位置及内容 2、“缅怀”雕塑简介 3、纪念桥(点到即可) 我们前方看见的是倒影池,建筑学家利用原有地形,运用物理学折光原理,巧妙地将纪念碑、纪念馆的影像在池中南北两端水面上显现出来,形成独特的景致,供人们欣赏。倒影池南北两端各有一块花岗岩和大理石质地的照壁,在北面的照壁上用汉、壮、蒙、维吾尔、藏五种民族文字镌刻着《国际歌》,南面的这块则用五种文字镌刻着《中华人民共和国国歌》。 倒影池南端两侧有两座相对肃然矗立高5.5米的圆雕,战士手握钢枪肃立,少女扶手胸前, 表达了人民群众缅怀先烈,继承遗志的主题。
  穿过纪念桥,我们就来到了雨花台烈士纪念馆,这是由著名的建筑大师杨廷宝先生设计的,齐康教授完成。纪念馆采用了重檐庑殿顶的传统建筑风格,东西长90米。南北两翼各伸展49米,主堡高26米,南北两侧门楣上嵌有“日月同辉”的标记,馆名是邓小平同志亲手题写的。今年适逢中国共产党建党九十周年大庆,纪念馆也整修一新,进行了全新的布展,现在就请大家随我尽管一探究竟。 纪念馆的展厅由五个部分组成,他们分别是以雨立方为主题的序言厅;展示烈士生平事迹的基本陈列厅,展示在南京工作过的烈士事迹的专题厅;党和国家领导人参观雨花台的光荣厅;展示今天美好生活的幸福厅。新馆共展出170位烈士的生平事迹,用8组具有艺术感染力的场景,35个感人至深的故事,向我们展示了革命烈士伟大崇高的人格和真实感人的形象。我们现在看到这两尊雕像是邓中夏和罗登贤,他们是雨花台牺牲烈士中职务最高的,当时都是党中央政治局委员,也是早期著名的工人领袖。 【思源广场、忠魂亭】1、思源池 2、“忠魂颂”浮雕数量及内容
  各位游客,我们现在来到的是雨花茶文化区。雨花茶是中国十大名茶之一,它形似松针、条索紧直、色绿似翠、挺拔秀丽,色、香、味、形俱美,深得人们青睐。古人认为,喝茶是一件十分风雅十分讲究的事,光有好的茶叶还不够,还得有好的水来冲泡,有了好水,还得有好的茶具。在雨花台,除了有好茶,还有一股清泉,名为永宁泉,号称:江南第二泉,现在,在景区内有二泉茶社,大家走累了,可以在这里歇歇脚,品尝一下第二泉水冲泡的雨花茶。 现在我们来到了国内唯一一家收藏研究雨花石的专业博物馆,雨花石含有玛瑙和玉髓的成分,也称为雨花玛瑙。苏东坡曾赞它:纹如指上螺,它以晶莹的质地、丰富的色彩、奇妙的纹理、生动的形象被称为“天赐国宝、中华一绝”。雨花石博物馆,展出了质色形纹上佳的雨花石精品。一些石头上不仅有美丽的花纹,还巧夺天工的生成各种图案,犹如一幅天然的山水人物画卷,令人啧啧称奇。



  The Chinese people of world-wide locations, to we great democracy revolution in advance Mr. Sun Yat-sen, it may be said is no man don"t know, no man not Xiao.In China, many places are all capable to be in remembrance of Sun Yat-sen but build of building.The Cui Heng for example said to win mountain City village Sun Yat-sen past reside, Zhong-shan Mausoleum of the Nanking and nation father of Taiwan memorial hall etc..The medium mountain of Guangzhou is in remembrance of a hall, is more than 60 year agos people in Guangdong and oversea overseas Chinese for the sake of admiration of expression to Mr. Sun Yat-sen but contribute money to build.
  Sun Yat-sen"s name isn"t to call "medium mountain", he is the surname"""text", the number"Yi fairy", his graceful number is "medium mountain".Sun Yat-sen livings on November 12, 1866, time of green some time learn to cure in Hong Kong, save a person in Guangzhou and cure in Macau after.In this period, under the influence of propertied class revolution thought, he starts throwing body revolution.He established an interest in will with Chinese allies will.The allies will successively put forward political outline and"race, people"s rights and people"s livelihood" doctrine in San-min of "banish Da Lu, instauration China, foundation republic, average right to land".In 1911, Sun Yat-sen did to influence a biggest matter in his whole life, is a leadership Xin Hai the revolution give°ed the governance feudalism emperor system of China more than 2000 years to overthrow.
  Sun Yat-sen once three times built up political power in Guangzhou:The first time is 1917, very the congress convenes in Guangzhou and establishes a "protect method military government", Sun Yat-sen allows generalissimo and take a mass pledge Northern Expedition;The second time is 1921, Sun Yat-sen takes office a very big president in Guangzhou, president"s mansion in now in the mountain is in remembrance of a hall, this place;Third time is in 1923, Sun Yat-sen after driving out Chen Jyong clearly rebuilt a generalissimo mansion again in Guangzhou.
  In 1924, Sun Yat-sen who expend all energies for Chinese revolution fell sick, what he suffer from is liver cancer, but he still just rushes about for the prospect of Chinese revolution very busy.On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen unfortunately dies of illness in Peking, whole year round 59 years old.Mr. Sun Yat-sen"s being born and passing away is all on the 12th.Because Sun Yat-sen liked to grow a tree while was living, government then yearly March 12 settled for"Chinese arbor day" on days.
  Clay-coldly is also 1926 the second year at Sun Yat-sen, the then Guangdong national government in honor of his merit, allocate funds 1,000,0002 silvers build to be in remembrance of a hall in the mountain in Guangzhou, hall address" choosing be more showing mountain south president"s mansion of the Lu old address.This president"s mansion originally fondles to mark an arrows way in the Manchu Dynasty and change to Du to do Mr. afterwards.Xin Hai"s revolution after drive warlord Long Ji only occupied.In 1921, Sun Yat-sen is a very big president here, here became president"s mansion.In 1922, rebellious troops Chen Jyong Ming"s troops give°ed the president"s mansion a raze with the big gun.Sun Yat-sen and families all jumped a wall to escape to just once avoid at that time big difficult.Afterwards, people and some patriotic overseas Chinese in Guangzhou hear that mountain in Taipei First Boys School is in remembrance of a hall and all generously donates a property in succession.The design that is in remembrance of a hall is famous our country designer, Lyu Yan, to keep.Lyu Yan"s keeping is person in Shandong, he is very famous in the local building field, and Zhong-shan Mausoleum of Nanking is also what he designs.Very pitiful, his youth early dies, 35 years old die, can not see with own eyes to be in remembrance of one completed.Be in remembrance of the hall lays foundation stones in January, 1929, completed in October, 1931, last for 3 years.After relieving, the government stirs for many times a mint of money to carry on repairing towards being in remembrance of a hall.Now, the equipmentses that are in remembrance of a hall are all very advanced, there is central air condition, deluxe satge stereo set and light controling system, fire fight supervision center, and the honored guest receives hall, is really a year more beautiful than a year.
  The square that is in remembrance of a front is divided into east, west two parts.Each the crane China form with a flagpole and cloud in the thing square, they are to take the stalk line in the southern north being in remembrance of hall as axis to distinguish symmetry.Grow kapok, white orchid, laurel blossom and match to smile total 70 various plants of etc. inside this square, they bloom of the season don"t same alike is each, so a year the four seasons all have fresh flowers to bloom.This severals are kapok trees, also call a hero tree.The kapok flower is the city flower of Guangzhou.The northern door in square has a 300 years of having already hads, the kapok tree of history is "kapok flower king" in Guangzhou.
  Stand erect Sun Yat-sen to be in remembrance of a bronze statue before the hall.Before 1945, Be in remembrance of a to set up this base but have no bronze statue.In spring 1945, in the mountain university lend Sun Yat-sen"s bronze statue of school to be in remembrance of an emplacement here.Until 1956, carve a Yin to accumulate persons like Chang,etc create Sun Yat-sen"s whole body bronze statue put here, originally of bronze statue just the bring it back give in the mountain university.The Yin accumulates Sun Yat-sen"s bronze statue that the Chang builds to totally have 4, 3 among those are in Guangdong.In addition to this, an at Huang Bu military school, an at in mountain medicine department university, another"s Zhong-shan Mausoleum in Nanking.The shape of this bronze statue is pay attention to-Sun Yat-sen"s left hand is stood with arms akimbo with the pickpocket and represented "race, people"s rights and people"s livelihood" doctrine in San-min, the right hand is walked with a cane with five fingers and represented five power constitutions.The bronze statue implied meaning is deep, it is thus clear that the idea of creator is very close.The base up engraves a national government to found a nation outline.Up write to have San-min doctrine, five power constitutions and set up party procedure of concrete contents.
  The corpus building that is in remembrance of a hall is a star anise to open a palatial type building and construct area 12,000 square meters.Its hall the crest is an octagon of, spread the glazed tiles in treasure blue, is divided into the height 4 F.The big hall hangs a handwritten gold word of Sun Yat-sen face to face signboard-"world is male";Big hall base and stairs on all sides all spend a Gang stone, is solemn as well as cultured.Seeing from the whole building, full of very thick art special feature of race style and traditional building in China, not the Kui is Chinese traditional building of classic of make.
  The building structure that is in remembrance of a hall is very skillful, many people"s all thinking to be in remembrance of a hall is a whole wood structure, in fact, it constitutes to°from the reinforced concrete.The ground arrives a hall the crest is 58 meters in height, southern northern each breadth is 71 meters.Audience seat the cent upstairs down stairs 2 F, there are 8 stairses, 11 import and exports, there are total of 5000 seats.So each possibility is very surprised, so big big hall, how can could not see a post to prop up a cover?Originally there are total of 8 posts here, but all hide at the surroundings inside wall, prop up a crest 8 capes for covering.This cover divides 3 F, the upper level is the arc-shaped dome in a milk yellow, intermediate opened glass of skylight, the bottom layer is the inclined form of cloud line color that decorates to use square space.Everyone takes a look, we didn"t turn on a light now, but whole Be in remembrance of halls all very shining.The ray is to shoot into a hall through a glass skylight and make need not bright light of the whole auditorium also the ray is ample.Because the posts all hide in the wall, the audience is regardless sat which position, watching the views of satges can"t be blocked;And have no echo inside the hall, all of these are to be in remembrance of a place with skillful design, even if you sit in the farthest corner, can clearly hear the stereo set of satge.
  The satge breadth in the hall is 19 meters, deep 15 meters.Is this piece of to would be famous"premier"s last will and testament", from Wang Jing Wei write.Last will and testament in have "the revolution hasn"t succeeded, comrade still the beard is diligent" is the famous saying that everyone has already acquainted with.
  Build this inside mountain to be in remembrance of a hall, plus more Sun Yat-sen"s monument of showing the summit of hill, each expenses always costs more than 3,000,000 dollars.Probably life at we the person"s value to the dollar understand this ages is few, but at that time, a dollar could buy to 40 catties of big rices, while we buy 40 catties of big rices to about need 60 dollar Reminbis now and converted for a while, a dollar equals CNY 60, those 3,000,000 dollars were CNY 180,000,000.It is thus clear that, this was also very high to cost at that time.

