
来源:读书笔记 时间:2018-06-17 15:00:01 阅读:



  “ 新年到了,新年到了!”随着新年的钟声响起,我就迫不及待地叫爸爸到楼下放烟花。
  “ 砰!砰!砰!”这时候,外面已经震耳欲聋了,接二连三的烟花。打破了往日宁静的夜晚。“ 呀!真漂亮!”我兴奋地指着那空中盛开的‘ 菊花 ’。话音刚落,又有一颗颗亮点直窜上空。哇,好似孔雀开屏,又如天女散花,又像一把把五彩缤纷的花伞,一会儿满天金灿灿的,犹如丰收的稻谷撒满天。一会儿又是满天红艳艳的,好似夕阳时候的晚霞铺满天,真是美丽极了!
  我正在那傻呆呆地看着空中的烟花,爸爸的喊声把我拉了回来:“ 培培,别在那儿看了,赶紧过来放烟花呀!快点!”这时,我才‘ 苏醒 ’过来,拿起一个小烟花,用打火机轻轻一按,“ 哧哧哧……”只见小烟花冒出了绿色的或花,把它用里的甩起来,它就会像一个圆圆的大火球,围着你。这种烟花还可以做成许多形状不一的花样。不信,你瞧!把小烟花卷起来,像个小饼,然后再放到地上,小心翼翼地点燃,只见那小烟花就像火山爆发似的,火花一下子向四周窜出来,吓得我捂住耳朵远远地跑开了。爸爸叫了好一会儿,才把我叫回来。我又拿起一个“火箭炮”,把它点燃,“ 啪”的一声,只见那“火箭炮”像离弦的箭一样快速的冲向天空……


  Years in vientiane update, a moment of years age in casual in drew a circle, for old time, winter girl with auspicious snow, then put on beautiful silver with lightsome pace to meet the arrival of the New Year.
  In the New Year, kids wear pretty clothes and a happy heart of lay off firecrackers and fireworks in the sky colorful, laugh laugh, adult and children everywhere can see several good couplet on the door, for example, wind and rain at the moment is static, blessing by jun cutting! Fantastic, the children received a lot of lucky money, the in the mind natural so happy!
  The house to eat dinner is not exceptional also, they round into a table, the relatives and friends together, the family reunion dinner on the table a good hearty, a delicious roast duck, delicious dumplings, eat good luck rolling, they are talking and laughing, laughter was floating in the house!
  Firecrackers are relatives and friends to eat dinner, light it is not enough is festival, also have to send your friends a few words of blessing language, that is just right! If it is between businessmen said: "I wish you a successful career, open sesame successively high!" If it is between friends should say: "I wish you every day happy, happy hours, cent cent points fascinating, seconds seconds seconds of happiness, if they are loved ones, have to say:" I wish you a prosperous year of dog, with the sun is shining! "
  The New Year festival said also said not, not a poem besought him so? Firecrackers in New Year"s eve, the spring breeze gifts into toso, find the pupil dilates, always put the new peach in old operator!
  I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a sunnyday.We sat under a big tree and talkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunny things.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games.
  We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun!


  Hope, look forward to, finally near the end of the year, the Spring Festival is coming.
  Day by day, the Spring Festival is getting thicker and thicker. Every family in front of people posted a festive "blessing" the streets are busy to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival, parents lead their children to buy new clothes in the clothing store. Many people are busy cleaning their own houses. All of this is telling us that the Spring Festival is coming, a very lively look.
  Spring has finally arrived, when the bell rang, crackling firecrackers everywhere, there are many new clothes out of the window on the grass have children in the game. I woke up in my sleep, and the first reaction was that I was one year old again, put on new clothes, and played with my friends outside the house.
  The adults set off firecrackers in their yard, and there was a wave of fireworks. Many children stopped by their ears. After the firecrackers were ringing, they were children"s paradise. The child rushed to the pile of firecrackers to find unflunked firecrackers, more than one. Looking at the partners, I also looked for it with a small stick.
  Every family has replaced a new couplet, looking at a pair of vice spring couplets, I can not help thinking of a couplet: "New Year"s Yuqing, the Spring Festival Changchun." The door of the family was dressed up in red, and I could not help seeing the breath of the festival. We also see the hope and blessing of the new year.
  It is essential to pay New Year"s call the Spring Festival every year, every time to grandma grandmother always pay New Year"s call, a cup of sugar candy bubble tea, let me drink tea, took a look after the sweet sweet to the heart, really want to drink a cup, then to the grandmother saying auspicious words, after she will worship from his pocket a red envelope into my hand, I need not as usual to see their parents face at this time, but the red openly took heart.
  After nightfall, there are fireworks on the outside, this exciting moment, "3 - 2 - 1" instantaneous fireworks shoot, like the sound of thunder, I hurried out to watch, this watch can not, the sky show charming black, plus gorgeous fireworks, let a person dizzying, red, purple, blue, green, gold...... A riot of colours, a more than a beautiful, than a high, like in the match like, I saw a golden point, high flying, this colorful fireworks is like in heaven. On the ground, the people"s laughter and laughter, the cheering sound along with the fireworks in the festival night sky!
  The Spring Festival indicates the beginning of the new year. It must be full of vigor and hope in this year.
  The Spring Festival is coming! The Spring Festival is coming!
  The Spring Festival is our most traditional festival in China. The Spring Festival, people will love their own room clean, and posted on the door of "happiness", and then hang a ready meal, antithetical couplet, treat yourself to years of hard work; each is decorated, everywhere is the high streets and back lanes, red lanterns, Chinese knots, it is a lively scene, bursting with happiness.
  From the beginning of the year, Chinese people will visit their elders, visit relatives and friends, and send beautiful gifts and good blessings to express their own heart. In addition to visit relatives and friends, visit their elders, gifts and blessings, Chinese there is a traditional custom, is the elders to give younger people than their son or daughter to gift money, this custom to now have not changed, just change the value just like now, some 100 yuan, some 500 yuan, some 600 yuan, or 1000 yuan......
  Usually in the new year"s day, mom and dad go to the elders to pay New Year"s call. When they pass the first day, they can visit new friends or relatives, and they can also go out to travel or stay at home. Of course, in addition to the new year and the money, children"s favorite "New Year"s new year program" is to set off firecrackers and fireworks. Every Spring Festival, my father buys me a lot of firecrackers and fireworks, and put them in two big boxes, ready for the first thirty of the year (thirty twelve in the year). With the change of the time, although the firecrackers did not change, but the fireworks have become different shapes, and the fireworks are more beautiful than the year. Whenever I think of the process of the fireworks, I think my courage is big. Every time I lit my heart, I ran far away, because I was afraid of being hurt by the fireworks. Of course I"ve never been bombed. Especially the thirty years time is twelve o"clock, the most spectacular, the scene really can be used to describe all kinds of fireworks, fireworks contests, flying in the sky high, and a more than a high, a more than a ring. At twelve o"clock at midnight, it looks very spectacular. Every time I get there, I will be very excited and happy. The whole person will be drowning in the night without sleep.
  But after the Spring Festival, China has returned to peace.
  I want to take advantage of the new year. I wish you a happy new year and all the best.
  "Oh, the new year, the New Year!" Li Xiang shouted, I also followed the booing: "the Chinese new year, today will happily play a day." At the same time, thinking again: "hee hee hee, finally have to have to pay the age of money, this time make sure to turn over, ha ha ha." I am happy with where Li Xiang like mice, cautiously without any noise came up to me, patted me on the shoulder, "ah" roared, my soul is scared to fly, Li Xiang said: "what, you go downstairs to play our music."
  We played happily all morning, and it was easy to wait for the evening. Li Xiang and I ran out of the house with my sister and came to the yard of the district. Li Xiang and I saw, and immediately to a warm embrace, but my sister saw, but big tongue beside, provoked me two glaring eyes. After the dramatic scene, all of the people were playing with joy.
  Maybe some people can"t wait, and they don"t start to put fireworks at nine o"clock, and the noise is deafening. We do not care, take the start of flowers in the community dances, one after another, became a beautiful scenery in the community. We all jumped and jumped, and we had a good time. Li Xiang also has done a bad thing, that is to take the flowers to scare me, I"m afraid backfired, hurried back again and again. Can still be a stumbling stone, all dirty, really mad at me, but they still smile over the days, really hateful! Later, Li Xiang and I picked up two empty fireworks and played with the tricks. Li Xiang whim, made a suggestion to me: "I have a" war ", with fireworks stick as a weapon, but not hurt......." Li Xiang says, we began a "battle of the century", I was in the past, Li Xiang a block, I stick into the nunchaku. Li Xiang hit me on the back while I was not paying attention and brainstorm, and then ran to me. When I looked back, he hit me again. I immediately returned the blow and hit Li Xiang"s head. We both rose and ignored our sister, and she ran upstairs with anger.
  Li Xiang and I spent a tremendous effort didn"t pull her down, so heavy. I think: "if she should have a little fat, fat enough to attend the pageant qualification." Finally, in the US under my sister promised to join us on the halfway and swiftly disappear.
  It was late. I said goodbye to Li Xiang and went upstairs with my father and mother to wait for the year of the tiger. With the sound of the new year"s bell, the sky was instantly stained with fireworks and beautifully painted canvases. It was beautiful and beautiful. Fireworks are intertwined, our life more beautiful, we wish a better tomorrow.
  In the morning, the window came a series of "crackling" sound of firecrackers. I managed to get out of bed, looking out of the window, the streets wore People are hurrying to and fro., new red jacket. Wow, it"s Spring Festival today. The Spring Festival has come on time, and the streets and alleys are very busy. Now, I"ll introduce the customs of the Spring Festival in Shiyan.
  Every Spring Festival, every household should stick to the Spring Festival couplets. Spring festival couplet is a kind of couplet, because it is posted in the Spring Festival, so it is named. The first people to mahogany carved humanoid hanging at the door to ward off evil, later simplified to the name inscribed keeper in peachwood board. Spring Festival couplets are written in red paper, which represents auspicious and happy.
  At the stroke of midnight, New Year bell sounded, over the whole city, the sound of firecrackers sky. At this moment, some people still yard barrier "Wanghuo" to Wang gas Babel, booming levels. Around the burning fire, the children set off firecrackers, joy alive and kicking. At this time, the house is ablaze with lights, before the court is bright spark, is outside the noise, atmosphere of the Spring Festival to a climax. Every new year, it is also the most housewives in the kitchen busy time, new year is done in a few days ago, and to the dinner on New Year"s Eve in the year thirty the same day by the chef to do it, and Lunar New Year dumplings but also in thirty out of the evening bag. Then every block are busy with heavy meat, vegetable. At this time, chopping sound, firecrackers, and then mixed with people"s laughter, easy on the eye, as one falls, another rises, woven into the new year"s Eve gay movement.
  Eat the dinner on New Year"s Eve is the most lively Spring Festival every family happy, big family filled with a table, a family reunion, sitting around the table, eat family reunion dinner, my sense of fulfillment is really indescribable. It is not only enjoy the full table of food seongchan, but also enjoy the happy atmosphere. We usually do not have two things, one is hot pot. One is fish. Hot pot boiling, reeky, warm and sultry, that is booming; "fish" and "I" homophonic, is a symbol of "more happy", also shows "May there be surpluses every year". Commonly known as the cabbage and radish, wish the good luck; lobster, fish and other fried foods, I wish the family brought prosperity, such as "fire cooking oil". Finally, as a dessert, the blessing of days, this day, if not drinking too much, drink a little.
  For a time, the custom of the festival in Shiyan can not be said, and when you get here, you can feel the charm of it.
  Every year, I look forward to the arrival of the Spring Festival, because of the lively, because of the warmth of the family together.

