
来源:教学考试试卷 时间:2018-05-29 10:22:45 阅读:


(1) [专升本试卷]计算机专升本试题及答案

  一、单选题 (每小题1分,共30分)
  1. 在Word的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定列后,单击表格菜单中"删除列"命令后( )。
  2. 十进制数8000转换为等值的八进制数是( )。
  A.571(O) B.57100(O) C.175(O) D.17500(O)
  3. 下列设备中,既能向主机输入数据又能接受主机输出数据的是( )。
  A.显示器 B.扫描仪 C.磁盘存储器 D.音响设备
  4. 下列操作中,( )不能关闭FrontPage应用程序。
  A.单击“关闭”按钮 B.单击“文件”菜单中的“退出”
  C.单击“文件”菜单中的“关闭” D.双击标题栏左边的控制菜单框
  5. 在Excel 清单中,( )。
  A.只能将标题行冻结 B.可以将任意的列或行冻结
  C.可以将A列和1、2、3行同时冻结 D.可以将任意的单元格冻结
  6. CRT显示器的像素光点直径有多种规格,下列直径中显示质量最好的是( )mm。
  A.0.39 B.0.33 C.0.31 D.0.28
  7. 软盘不加写保护,对它可以进行的操作是( )。
  A.只能读盘,不能写盘 B.只能写盘,不能读盘
  C.既能读盘,又能写盘 D.不能读盘,也不能写盘
  8. 软件与程序的区别是( )。
  9. 微型计算机中使用的人事档案管理系统,属下列计算机应用中的( )。
  A.人工智能 B.专家系统 C.信息管理 D.科学计算
  10. 下列四个不同进制的无符号整数中,数值最小的是( )。
  A.10010010(B) B.221(O) C.147(D) D.94(H)
  11. 局域网的网络软件主要包括网络数据库管理系统、网络应用软件和( )。
  A.服务器操作系统 B.网络操作系统 C.网络传输协议 D.工作站软件
  12. 在Excel 中,若要编辑修改内嵌图表时,我们首先必须( )。
  A.双击图表 B.复制图表 C.将图表移动到新工作表中 D.选定图表
  13. 和通信网络相比,计算机网络最本质的功能是( )。
  A.数据通信 B.资源共享 C.提高计算机的可靠性和可用性 D.分布式处理
  14. 调制解调器(Modem)的功能是实现( )。
  A.模拟信号与数字信号的转换 B.数字信号的编码
  C.模拟信号的放大 D.数字信号的整形
  15. 局域网组网完成后,决定网络使用性能的关键是( )。
  A.网络的拓扑结构 B.网络的通信协议 C.网络的传输介质 D.网络的操作系统
  16. 下列四个无符号十进制数中,能用八位二进制表示的是( )。
  A.256 B.299 C.199 D.312
  17. 下列四条叙述中,有错误的一条是( )。
  18. 在Excel公式复制时,为使公式中的( ),必须使用相对地址(引用)。
  A.单元格地址随新位置有规律变化 B.单元格地址不随新位置而变化
  C.单元格范围不随新位置而变化 D.单元格范围随新位置无规律变化
  19. 选择网卡的主要依据是组网的拓扑结构、网络段的最大长度、节点之间的距离和( )。
  A.接入网络的计算机种类 B.使用的传输介质的类型
  C.使用的网络操作系统的类型 D.互连网络的规模
  20. 已知一补码为10000101,则其真值用二进制表示为( )。
  A.-000010 B.-1111010 C.-000000 D.-1111011
  21. 计算机字长取决于( )的总线宽度。
  A.控制总线 B.数据总线 C.地址总线 D.通信总线
  22. 计算机网络技术包含的两个主要技术是计算机技术和( )。
  A.微电子技术 B.通信技术 C.数据处理技术 D.自动化技术
  23. 计算机最主要的工作特点是( )。
  A.高速度 B.高精度 C.存储记忆能力 D.存储程序和程序控制
  24. 在计算机系统中,通常所说的"系统资源"指的是( )。
  A.硬件 B.软件 C.数据 D.A)、B)、C)三者都是
  25. 与十六进制数(AB)等值的二进数是( )。
  A.10101010 B.10101011 C.10111010 D.10111011
  26. 和广域网相比,局域网( )。
  A.有效性好但可靠性差 B.有效性差但可靠性高
  C.有效性好可靠性也高 D.有效性差可靠性也差
  27. 下列四条叙述中,有错误的一条是( )。
  28. 在Windows 中,当一个应用程序窗口被最小化后,该应用程序将( )。
  A.被终止执行 B.继续在前台执行 C.被暂停执行 D.被转入后台执行
  29. 客户机服务器模式的局域网,其网络硬件主要包括服务器、工作站、网卡和( )。
  A.网络拓扑结构 B.计算机 C.传输介质 D.网络协议
  30. 网卡(网络适配器)的主要功能不包括( )。
  A.将计算机连接到通信介质上 B.进行电信号匹配
  C.实现数据传输 D.网络互连
  二、双选题 (每小题2分,共20分)
  1. 下列软件中属于应用软件的有( )。
  A.NUIX B.Word C.汇编程序 D.C语言源程序
  2. 下面的说法中,正确的是( )。
  3. 在下列PowerPoint的各种视图中,可编辑、修改幻灯片内容的视图有( )。
  A.幻灯片视图 B.幻灯片浏览视图 C.幻灯片放映视图 D.普通视图
  4. 磁盘格式化操作具有( )等功能。
  A.划分磁道、扇区 B.复制 DOS 系统文件 C.复制 Office 软件 D.建立目录区
  5. 在Windows资源管理器中,假设已经选定文件,以下关于”复制”操作的叙述中,正确的有( )。
  C.按住CTRL键, 拖至不同驱动器的图标上
  D.按住SHIFT键, 然后拖至同一驱动器的另一子目录上
  6. 下列说法中,正确的是( )。
  7. 下列 Excel 公式输入的格式中, ( )是正确的。
  A.=SUM(1,2, …,9,10) B.=SUM(E1: E6) C.=SUM(A1; E7) D.=SUM("18","25", 7)
  8. 在使用PowerPoint的幻灯片放映视图放映演示文稿过程中,要结束放映,可操作的方法有( )。
  A.按Esc键 B.单击鼠标右键,从弹出的快捷莱单中选“结束放映”
  C.按Ctrl+E键 D.按回车键
  9. 设A盘处于写保护状态,以下可以进行的操作是( )。
  A.将A盘中的某个文件改名 B.将A盘中的所有信息复制到C盘
  C.在A盘上建立文件AA.C D.显示A盘目录树
  10. 计算机程序设计语言的翻译程序有( )。
  A.编辑程序 B.编译程序 C.连接程序  D.汇编程序
  1. 操作系统是一种对所有硬件进行控制和管理的系统软件。
  2. 在用Word编辑文本时,若要删除文本区中某段文本的内容,可选取该段文本,再按Delete键。
  3. 屏幕保护程序可以减小屏幕损耗和保障系统安全。
  4. 使用Word 可以制作WWW网页。
  5. 在Excel中,图表一旦建立,其标题的字体、字形是不可改变的。
  6. “写字板”中没有插入/改写状态,它只能以插入方式来输入文字。
  7. 操作系统把刚输入的数据或程序存入RAM中,为防止信息丢失,用户在关机前,应先将信息保存到ROM中。
  8. 在Word 中双击改写状态框使“改写”两字变浓,表明当前的输入状态已设置为改写状态。
  9. 在Excel 表格中,单元格的数据填充不一定在相邻的单元格中进行。
  10. 汇编语言和机器语言都属于低级语言,之所以称为低级语言是因为用它们编写的程序可以被计算机直接识别执行。
  11. 若一台微机感染了病毒,只要删除所有带毒文件,就能消除所有病毒。
  12. 同一软盘中允许出现同名文件。
  13. 在Windows中,只要选择汉字输入法中的“使用中文符号”,则在“中文半角”状态下也可以输出如:顿号、引号、句号等全角的中文标点符号。
  14. 在Word文本中,一次只能定义一个文本块。
  15. 指令和数据在计算机内部都是以区位码形式存储的。
  16. 若微机的BIOS采用FLASH ROM,则对它的写入和擦除操作可直接在系统中进行,因而修改和升级BIOS非常方便。
  17. Word的“自动更正”功能仅可替换文字,不可替换图像。
  18. 在Word 中隐藏的文字,屏幕中仍然可以显示,但打印时不输出。
  19. 在Word中,“格式刷”可以复制艺术文字式样。
  20. 在Excel中,如果一个数据清单需要打印多页,且每页有相同的标题,则可以在“页面设置”对话框中对其进行设置。
  四、填空题 (每空1分,共30分)
  1. Word 中提供了6种查看文档内容的视图方式,分别是:____________、页面视图、大纲视图 、Web页预览视图、Web版式视图、打印预览视图。
  2. 计算机的工作过程实际上是周而复始地____________、执行指令的过程。
  3. 以微处理器为核心的微型计算机属于第____________代计算机。
  4. 每当运行一个Windows 的应用程序,系统都会在____________上增加一个按扭。
  5. ____________语言的书写方式接近于人们的思维习惯,使程序更易阅读和理解。
  6. 汉字“中”的区位码为5448,则它对应的国标码____________H。
  7. 在Excel中输入数据时,如果输入的数据具有某种内在规律,则可以利用它的____________功能进行输入。
  8. 计算机中系统软件的核心是____________,它主要用来控制和管理计算机的所有软硬件资源。
  9. 一组排列有序的计算机指令的集合称作____________。
  10. 在Excel 中输入等差数列,可以先输入第一,第二个数列项,接着选定这两个单元格,再将鼠标指针移到 ____________ 上,按一定方向进行拖动即可。
  11. 计算机内部对信息采用统一的编码。ASCII就是一种编码方式,标准ASCII码是用____________位二进制位来表示128个字符。
  12. 在Word中,若要把原有的Word文档文件a.doc以文本文件的格式存盘,应使用“文件”菜单下的“____________”命令。
  13. IP地址由32位二进制位组成,通常分成____________地址和主机地址两部分。
  14. 要在Windows中修改日期或时间,则应双击“____________”中的“日期/时间”图标。
  15. Word 中, 表格单元格中可输入公式,同时将计算结果作为一个域填入存放结果单元格。域有两种显示方式:域结果和____________。
  16. 在Excel中,若存在一张二维表,其第5列是学生奖学金,第6列是学生成绩。已知第5行至第20行为学生数据,现要将奖学金总数填入第21行第5列,则该单元格填入____________。
  17. 在Word文稿中插入图片,可以直接插入,也可以在文本框或____________中插入。
  18. 多媒体技术的主要特点是信息载体的多样性、多种信息的综合处理和集成处理,多媒体系统是一个____________。
  19. 十进制数110. 125 转换为十六进制数是____________ H。
  20. 目前在每年4月26日,6月26日或每月的26日最可能发作的,对计算机危害最大的计算机病毒是 ____________ 病毒。
  21. 在Excel中,若只需打印工作表的一部分数据时,应先____________。
  22. 位于CPU与____________之间的一种容量较小但速度较高的存储器是Cache。
  23. 在Excel中建立内嵌式图表最简单的方法是单击____________工具栏中的“图表类型”按钮。
  24. 地址范围为1000H—4FFFH 的存储空间为____________ KB。
  25. 在Excel中,公式=Sum(Sheet1: Sheet5!$E$6)表示____________。
  26. 在Word中,按 Ctrl+A 键,则表示____________。
  27. 在Excel 中,假定存在一个数据库工作表,内含:姓名,专业,奖学金,成绩等项目,现要求对相同专业的学生按奖学金从高到低进行排列,则要进行多个关键字段的排列,并且主关键字段是 ____________ 。
  28. 10个32*32点阵的汉字字模信息所占的字节数为____________。
  29. 在Excel 中,设A1: A4单元格区域的数值分别为82,71,53,60,A5单元格使用公式为 =If(Average(A$1:A$4)>=60,"及格","不及格"),则A5显示的值是____________。
  30. 微型计算机中最大最重要的一块集成电路板称为____________。
  一、单选题 (每空1分,共30分)
  1.D 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.D
  7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.D
  13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.A
  19.B 20.D 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.D
  25.B 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.D
  二、双选题 (每空2分,共20分)
  1.B, D 2.A, B 3.A, D 4.A, D 5.A, C
  6.B, D 7.B, D 8.A, B 9.B, D 10.B, D
  三、判断题 (每空1分,共20分)
  四、填空题 (每空1分,共30分)

(2) [专升本试卷]2017专升本英语试题

  Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 30 points in all)
  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D, then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  1.Will you speak louder so as make people _____ you?
  A.to hear B.heard C.hearing D.hear
  2.The car industry can’t survive ______ the government help.
  A.without B.with C.besides D.except
  3.I had considerable difficulty ________ her to go out for a drink with me.
  A.to persuade B.to have persuaded C.persuade D.persuading
  4.Mr. Black, our new English teacher, is strict _________ kind.
  A.or B.but C.with D.as well
  5._______ China Today is a good way of improving our English.
  A.Having read B.Have read C.Reading D.Read
  6.If I ________ you, I wouldn’t miss the chance tomorrow morning.
  A.be B.will be C.am D.were
  7.Those who want to attend the meeting should _______ the form.
  A.fill in B.fill up C.fill with D.fill of
  8.After ______ for the job, the interviewees will be required to take a health check.
  A.to interview B.being interviewed C.interviewing D.having interviewed
  9.Compared ________ our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.
  A.in B.for C.with D.as
  10.——Each of the hard-working students ________ to go to college.
  ——So do we.
  A.hope B.hoping C.hoped D.hopes
  11.He says ______ clearly ________ beginners understand most of his words.
  A.such…that B.so…that C.such a …that D.so a …that
  12.Language is a tool _________ people communicate with each other.
  A.by all means B.by means of C.by means of which D.by means of that
  13.Julia didn’t have enough clothes ________ a week.
  A.to last B.last C.lasted D.last for
  14.He is pleased ________ what you have given him.
  A.of B.to C.with D.in
  15.Scarcely had he fallen ________ when a knock at the door awakened him.
  A.sleeping B.asleep C.sleepy D.sleeper
  16.It is strongly recommended that teachers _______ computers in their teaching.
  A.will use B.shall use C.use D.used
  17.The more careful they are, _________
  A.the less mistakes will they make
  B.the less mistakes they’ll make
  C.the fewer mistakes will they make
  D.the fewer mistakes they’ll make
  18.John will get the money from his aunt _______ her death.
  A.with the help of B.in the event of C.according to D.in face of
  19.We didn’t know what to do _______ the money had gone.
  A.once B.whether C.though D.then
  20.——Mr. Jiang, long time no see. How are you?
  ——Fine, thanks. How are you _____ your teaching?
  A.getting well with B.getting across C.getting together D.getting on with
  21.Some people think __________ more about their rights than about their responsibilities.
  A.much B.too C.less D.very
  22.There are ______ as many houses in this area as there used to be.
  A.two B.twice C.second D.secondly
  23.Columbus and his crew _______ from Europe in 1492.
  A.set out B.put out C.ruled out D.sorted out
  24.______the kids have left home, we’re got a lot of extra space.
  A.Since that B.Now C.Even if D.Even so
  25.We’ve asked the neighbors to _________ the house for us while we are away.
  A.have an eye to B.keep an eye on
  C.have an eye for D.keep an eye open
  26.The hotel is going to be ________ into a nursing home.
  A.controlled B.confirmed C.consumed D.converted
  27.The young man ________ in this company since he graduated from Madison College five years ago.
  A.was working B.has been working C.works D.worked
  28.The college offers so many courses; the students haven’t decided ______
  A.where to choose B.whom to choose C.which to choose D.why to choose
  29.He said he’d phone you ______ he got home.
  A.for a while B.after a while C.at moment D.the moment
  30.With a good ______ of both Chinese and English, Miss Lin was assigned to be the tour guide for the American visitors.
  A.command B.interest C.result D.impression
  Part II Cloze (1 point each, 15 points in all)
  Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  A college or university’s international student office is a good place ____31__getting to know the school and the country .Let’s ____32__support services for international students in the United States. Our example is the University of Southern California (U.S.C.),____33___has had the most international students in American colleges or universities ___34__ the past seven years. U.S.C. ’s Office of International Services says ____35___student this years is about seven thousand five hundred.
  The Office helps _____36___student life at the university. It also organizes programs to help foreign ______37___feel more relaxed in their new surroundings. Most American colleges and universities have a similar _____38____that helps international students. These offices look for ways to get students ____39___in school life and make ____40___friends. Their job is not always easy. International students often want to ____41__thier free time with friends from their own countries. The office at U.S.C. ___42__assists family members who come to the United States with international students. The family members can take English classes and go on trips to places ______43__museums.
  India, China, South Korea, Japan and Canada _____44__the most students to the United States during the last school ____45____.Next came tai, Mexico, and Thailand.
  31.A.to start B.starts C.to stop D.stops
  32.A.talk B.to talk C.talk about D.to talk about
  33.A.that B.who C.whose D.which
  34.A.as B.for C.to D.at
  35.A.the number of B.a number of C.a lot of D.a great deal of
  36.A.express B.expressing C.explain D.explaining
  37.A.college B.colleges C.student D.students
  38.A.branch B.office C.department D.organization
  39.A.consisted B.consisting C.involved D.involving
  40.A.rich B.poor C.old D.new
  41.A.cost B.spend C.take D.save
  42.A.also B.yet C.already D.thus
  43.A.unlikely B.unlike C.like D.likely
  44.A.sent B.took C.brought D.carried
  45.A.month B.year C.week D.day
  Port III Reading Comprehension (2,5 points each, 50 points in all)
  Directions: There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill, You should read the passages below carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.
  Task 1
  Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements (No.46 to No.50). For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four time zones, one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.
  If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day, As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.
  If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the International Date Line. By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, today becomes yesterday; traveling west, it is tomorrow.
  46.Strange things happen to time when you travel because _______
  A.no day really has twenty-four hours
  B.the earth is divided into time zones
  C.time zones are not all the same size
  D.no one knows where time zones begin
  47.The time difference between two neighboring zones is ________
  A.one day B.twenty-five hours
  C.one hour D.twenty-three hours
  48.According to paragraph 2, it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean______
  A.is one time zone
  B.is divided into five time zones
  C.is divided into twenty-four time zones
  D.cannot be crossed in five days
  49.If you cross the ocean going east, you set your clock______
  A.ahead one hour in each new time zone
  B.ahead one hour for the whole trip
  C.back one hour in each new time zone
  D.back one hour for the whole trip
  50.The International Date Line is the name for ______
  A.the beginning of any new time zone
  B.any point where time changes by one hour
  C.the point where a new day starts
  D.any time zone in the Pacific Ocean
  Task 2
  Directions: This task (No.51 to 55) is the same as Task1
  Today almost 70% of the electrical power we use comes from power plants that use fossil fuels (矿物燃料) to make electricity. Fossil fuels, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, are burned to make electricity. Burning fossil fuels releases pollution and carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into the air. The more fossil fuels we burn, the warmer the air around Earth gets. So building fossil fuel plans is not always the best answer.
  Actually, there are other ways to make electricity without burning fossil fuels. People have been using the power of wind for centuries. Wind power won’t solve all our energy problems, but it can help meet some of the demands in certain places. Since the late 1800s, scientists have been working to turn the sun’s energy into electricity by using solar cells (太阳能电池). The problem is, solar cells are very expensive. Another way to make electricity is to use nuclear energy. It has been used for more than 50 years. Today about 10 percent of all the electricity used in the U.S.A. comes from this source.
  Although nuclear power doesn’t pollute the air as the burning of fossil fuels does, there is a major drawback . The waste products from nuclear power plants are dangerous and must be stored in safe places. Many people are concerned about the safety of nuclear power.
  51.The best title for this passage may be ________
  A.The Importance of Electricity
  B.The Pollution of Making Electricity from Fossil Fuels
  C.The Advantage of Using Nuclear Energy
  D.Means of Making Electrical Power
  52.Which energy has damage to us according to the passage?
  A.Wind power B.Fossil fuels
  C.Solar power D.Water power
  53.We can infer from the passage that _________
  A.burning fossil fuels to make electricity is widely used
  B.wind power is a widespread way to make electricity
  C.energy problems will soon be solved
  D.nuclear energy will solve all the energy problems we are facing
  54.What does the underlined word “drawback”(in Para.3)mean?
  A.effect B.advantage C.disadvantage D.concern
  55.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
  A.Fossil fuels should be encouraged to use to make electricity
  B.Not all the areas could use wind power.
  C.Solar energy costs the most
  D.Using nuclear energy will not produce negative effect.
  Task 3
  Directions: This task (No.56 to No.60) is the same as Task 1.
  A new study by the Development of Health in tai shows that more than half of the adult population in tai lacks an understanding of health problems.
  More than 2,000 adults took part in the survey to find out about their knowledge of diet, health-care, disease control and medicine. Surprisingly, only 51% of the people surveyed understand that common cold has no cure, and taking medicine is absolutely no use at all. The problem is mad worse by doctors who give their patients large doses of useless drugs. More than two-thirds believe that it is only the nicotine in cigarettes rather than the other chemicals that causes cancer. These people believe that if they smoke “light” cigarettes with less nicotine, they will lead to more illness, suffering and early death.
  But the outlook for health education in tai is not all negative. The survey concludes that younger taiese have a better understanding of health concerns than their parents, while senior citizens have the least understanding among the three age groups.
  56.The purpose of the survey is to find out _______
  A.why people neglect their health
  B.what people know about health
  C.when to provide health education
  D.who is more likely to become ill
  57.Which of the following is TRUE about medicines for cold?
  A.They can cure common cold.
  B.Doctors often discourage the patients from taking them.
  C.About 51% of the patients take them.
  D.Some taiese take them unnecessarily.
  58.According to the survey, most taiese believe that ____.
  A.only nicotine leads to cancer
  B.few people will get cancer
  C.”light ”cigarettes make people healthy
  D.other chemicals besides nicotine cause cancer
  59.About ______ of taiese adults smoke
  A.one-third B.two-thirds
  C.a half D.a quarter
  60.The survey shows that ________ have the best understanding of health concerns.
  A.senior citizens B.middle

(3) [专升本试卷]专升本大学英语试题

  Ⅰ. Phonetics (10 points)
  In each of following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  1.A. enough B. about C. touch D. young
  2.A. thirsty B. throat C. youth D. those
  3.A. shut B. cut C. funny D. use
  4.A. thanks B. pills C. news D. films
  5.A. dear B. heart C. ear D. tear
  6.A. births B. depths C. months D. mouths
  7.A. election B. pronunciation C. question D. operation
  8.A. hot B. home C. top D. off
  9.A. may B. day C. stay D. Sunday
  10.A. weigh B. eight C. seize D. daily
  Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)
  There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  11. _______ we won the war.
  A. In the end B. On the end C. By the end D. At the end
  12. As a poor fresh student, he had to do a part-time job _______ money.
  A. owing to B. because of C. on account of D. for the sake of
  13. Too much drinking would ______ his health.
  A. do harm for B. do harmful to C. do harm to D. do harmful for
  14. The days _______ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.
  A. in which B. on which C. of which D. at which
  15. He insists that he ______ innocent.
  A. is B. be C. should be D. were
  16. The teacher said, “Stop ______”. So we stopped _______.
  A. to talk…to read B. talking…to read C. talking…reading D. talking…read
  17. Could I have some milk, some orange juice, and some eggs ______?
  A. instead of B. in addition C. as well D. so much
  18. ______ after his death that he was recognized as a great composer.
  A. It was not until B. It is until C. It was until D. Not until
  19. Our classroom is ______ in the school building.
  A. bigger than any other one B. bigger than all
  C. the biggest of all the others D. the biggest of any one
  20. It was Thomas Alva Edison who ______ the electric lamp.
  A. discovered B. invented C. innovated D. found
  21. I’d like you ______ to see him.
  A. go B. going C. to go D. have gone
  22. Your coat ______ his.
  A. like B. likes C. is like D. will look like
  23. Either you or I _____ meet him at the airport.
  A. are to B. is to C. am to D. were to
  24. Each has an apple, ______?
  A. has he B. doesn’t he C. does he D. don’t they
  25. Sports, ______ perhaps you don’t like very much, may make you strong.
  A. that B. which C. it D. and
  26. We should look ______ the matter before we reach a conclusion.
  A. into B. for C. to D. at
  27. Hospital doctors don’t go out very often as their work _______ all their time.
  A. takes away B. takes in C. takes over D. takes up
  28. He is ______ to speak the truth.
  A. too much of a coward B. too much a coward
  C. so much a coward D. so much of a coward
  29. It’s strange that you ______ like that at the meeting.
  A. should speak B. spoke C. should have spoken D. speak
  30. He ______ when the bus came to a sudden stop.
  A. was almost hurt B. was to hurt himself
  C. was hurt himself D. was hurting himself
  31. Mary likes _______ very much, but she didn’t go _______ last Sunday.
  A. to swim…swimming B. swimming…to swim
  C. to swim…to swim D. swimming…swimming
  32. More ______, less speed.
  A. hurry B. rush C. quickness D. haste
  33. ______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesn’t seem high at all.
  A. When compared B. Compare C. While comparing D. Comparing
  34. The fact ______ money orders can usually be easily cashed has made them a popular form of payment.
  A. of B. is that C. that D. which is
  35. He is working very hard to ______ the lost time in the past 10 years.
  A. make for B. make up for C. make up D. make out
  36. If a child is absent ______ school for long periods, he should be given extra work.
  A. at B. in C. from D. out of
  37. Neither of your proposals ________.
  A. make sense B. are practical C. makes sense D. make senses
  38. It is obvious that there are at least two vitamins. ______ is soluble in fat; _____ is soluble in water.
  A. The one…the other B. One…the other
  C. One…another D. One…the another
  39. It’s a good _______ to eat with the mouth closed.
  A. custom B. habit C. way D. style
  40. You ought not to _______ him the news that day.
  A. tell B. be telling C. have told D. be told
  41. He attempted _______ to set up a company of his own.
  A. with vain B. on vain C. in vain D. of vain
  42. -“I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broken”.
  -“Oh! I _______.”
  A. don’t hope B. hope not so C. do not hope D. hope not
  43. The last man ______ the sinking ship was the captain.
  A. left B. leaves C. to be leaving D. to leave
  44. One of his many faults is that that he never ______ any thing very long.
  A. decides on B. sticks to C. goes over D. makes up
  45. You are worthy _______ the honour.
  A. to B. at C. for D. of
  46. Billing pitched so well ______ everyone cheered him at the end of the game.
  A. as B. since C. that D. whereas
  47. The _______ of blood always makes him feel sick.
  A. sight B. view C. look D. form
  48. A child learns to read by seeing the words _______.
  A. properly B. repeatedly C. repeatly D. obviously
  49. Our friendship is ______ and we will never again be separated.
  A. restored B. reserved C. restrained D. repeated
  50. He couldn’t explain the _______ of ten years in his job history.
  A. gap B. interrupting C. opening D. margin
  Ⅲ. Cloze (20 points)
  For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  Investors can _51_ money simply by loaning it. The money they loan is called capital. Security (担保) is an expensive item which the borrower mortgages (抵押) to the investor to show that he intends to _52_ the debt. The way investors make money on loans is to charge interest. Interest is money that _53_ pay to investors for the use of their money. Interest is usually a certain percentage of the capital. Investors sometimes _54 ten percent or more interest per year. The interest may be calculated daily, monthly, or yearly. The interest must be _55_ before the capital can be repaid. If the interest is not _56_ the agreed rate, the interest is added _57_ the capital. Then the borrower has _58_ pay interest on the unpaid interest _59_ on the capital. A debt can grow quickly this way. If the total of the capital and accumulated interest gets too high, the investor will take _60_ of the item used as security and sell it to get his money back.
  51.A. get B. make C. have D. carry
  52.A. repay B. leave C. get D. give
  53.A. borrowers B. lenders C. peoples D. others
  54.A. cost B. ask C. charge D. change
  55.A. by day B. by the day C. every day D. daily
  56.A. paid B. to be paid C. pay D. paying
  57.A. on B. to C. for D. with
  58.A. to B. on C. into D onto
  59.A. or B. also C. but also D. as well as
  60.A. the place B. possession C. turn D. care

