外研版六上英语|外研版六上There's Chinese dancing.教学设计

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外语教学与研究出版社(简称外研社)成立于1979年,是北京外国语大学创办和领导的大学出版社。以下是小学生作文网www.zzxu.cn 分享的外研版六上There's Chinese dancing.教学设计,希望能帮助到大家! 

  外研版六上There's Chinese dancing.教学设计

  Module2 unit 1 There`s Chinese dancing 1.Where is it? 2.What can you see in this picture? This is a picture of the Great Wall. There is a long wall . There are many trees. There are many people. There’s a Chinatown in New York! Chinatown的中文翻译是唐人街,有时也称为中国城。它是中国人的聚居地和商业区。 唐朝在中国历史上是一个强盛的朝代。因此在海外华侨华人往往称自己是“唐人”,他们聚集的地方便称为唐人街。 唐人街是中华民族在海外的落脚地,也是中国文化在海外的保留地和生长点。住在唐人街,就像住在中国大陆、台湾和香港等其他华人小城一样。

  Talk about Chinatown 1、Do you know where it is? 2、What can you see in these pictures? There are lots of Chinese shops there. There are lots of Chinese restaurants there. There’s Chinese dancing. 1.There’s a Chinatown in New York. 2.There’s Chinese dancing. 3.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there . I`m sending an email to my family in China send@_@物@_@to@_@人把某物(寄)送给某人 =send@_@人@_@物 例:我们将给他们寄送一些卡片。 I Can do 1.There___a picture on the wall. 2.There___some books under the table. 3.There___lots of shoes on the floor. 4.There___a TV and some balls in the room. 5.There___some meat ,many apples and bananas on the table. send an email miss china in New York lots of Chinese dancing go to Chinatown nine o’clock Send an email to your mum,Introduce Chinatown to her. Dear Mum, How are you?

  There’s a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of_____________. And there’s ________________. We are going to go to ______ tomorrow. I miss you. Love , Lily What’s in it? Talk about the things in the classroom. There is a blackboard in the classroom. There is a TV in the classroom. There are two doors . There are six windows. There are many students. There are many desks and chairs. 回家仔细观察自己 bedroom,然后写一篇 小作文。用上带有There is/There are的句型。 * Chinatown I can answer. 1.What is Daming doing? 2.Does Daming miss China? He is sending an email to his family in China. Yes,he does. There be 结构 There is @_@ 可数名词单数 不可数名词 are @_@ 可数名词复数 is are is is are 发电子邮件 想念中国 在纽约 许多 中国舞蹈 去唐人街 九点钟 重 点 短 语 Chinese shops and restraurants. Chinese dancing. Chinatown

  新标准英语三起点六年级上册 M2U1 There’s Chinese dancing.


  教学背景分析 1. 教材分析

  本单元是外研社三年级起点第七册第二模块第一单元。 话题是 “Chinatown” , 语言结构是“There’s\are?”。本课内容是:Daming 现在在美国表兄的家里, 他正在给家人发送 email,

  他很想念中国,于是 Simon 就给他介绍了唐人街的情 况。

  2. 学生分析

  六年级的学生已经对英语熟悉三年了。 但是有一部分学生不是很喜欢上英语 课,学习兴趣不是很高,个别学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,有些学生还是为学习而 学习,谈不上兴趣问题;另一方面,学生有一定的两级分化。本课的 There be 句型在五年级时已经学过,学生学习压力不是很大,学习兴趣必然高涨。


  1、知识与技能目标: There’s a Chinatown in New York! There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. .2、过程与方法目标: 1.Teach the text with the task-based method. 2.Cooperative learning. 3、情感、态度和价值观: 用“There be”句型描述事物 【重点】 :用 "There be “句型描述事物。 【难点】 : “there is”和“there are”的用法。 【课时安排】 :1 课时



  教学过程(以下内容中, “T”表示 Teacher, “S”表示 Student。 ) Step1. Warm-up and Lead-in

  上课铃之前播放 The farmer in the dell 英文歌曲 设计意图:热身,给学生创造英语语言环境,并提醒大家准备好英语上课所用的 课本、文具。 师生互相问候 T: Class begins! Ss: Stand up! T: Good morning, class !

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Lu! T:Sit down, please ! Ss: Thank you! T:How are you today? Ss: We are fine. T:What’s the weather like today? Ss: It’s so hot. Ss: It’ cloudy. 展示课件 T: What’s this? Ss: The Great Wall! T: What can you see in this picture? Ss:I can see a long wall, a lot of people, many trees. T: So, there is a long wall, and there are a lot of people and many trees, right? T: Then what’ this? Ss: Chinatown! 设计意图:建立良好的师生关系。引出主题“Chinatown”

  Step2. Presentation

  1、Chinatown 的介绍 ① Show some pictures of Chinatown ② 讲授 Chinatown 单词由 China+town 组成 ③ 让学生思考一个问题:为什么国外会有唐人街?这是一个有利于学生心 智发展的问题。 ④ Introduce the background of Chinatown 找一位同学读出 ppt 文字,让全班 同学对唐人街的背景有所了解。 设计意图: 激发学生对本课的学习兴趣, 并拓宽了知识面, 了解的外国文化。 2、播放并呈现 SB 活动 1 动画。

  T:Where is Chinatown? Ss: In New York. 引导学生说出 There’s a Chinatown in New York.找一排同学练习,教师板书,学 生写在本子上。 再次播放 SB Unit1 活动 1 音频,让学生跟读。 3、播放并呈现 SB 活动 2 动画。 Task1. Listen、point and underline “There’s/There are”. ①.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. ②.There’s Chinese dancing 分别教授 reataurant\shop\dancing 几个单词。重复操练句子,体会 There is\are 的 用法。找两排同学分别操练句子,教师板书,学生写在本子上。 Task2. Answer questions: ①What is Daming doing?-----He’s sending an email to his family in China. ②Does Daming miss China?-----Sometimes. ③Where do they want to go?-----They want to go to Chinatown. 分别讲授 sometimes, send an email, go to Chinatown。 设计意图:使学生在整体感知课文的基础上,既学习了新的单词,又掌握了重点 句型,还拓宽了知识面。 Task3. Listen again and repeat 并且请模仿录音的语音语调。Let’s be a foreigner. 看谁发音像小外国人! 设计意图:纠正学生发音,主意清辅音的发音,本册出现美式英语,让学生注意 区分,培养听力能力。

  Step3. Practice

  1、Can you read these sentences? ? ? ? There’s Chinese dancing. There’s an apple on the desk. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.

  ? ?

  There are lots of apples in the box. There’s a Chinatown in New York.

  2、I Can do 1.There___a picture on the wall. 2.There___some books under the table. 3.There___lots of shoes on the floor. 4.There___a TV and some balls in theroom. 5.There___some rice ,many apples and bananas on the table. 3、Group Work 1.There is 2.There are

  blackboard window computer boy girl desk door

  in our classroom. in our classroom.


  学生完成后找两个小组到前面演示。 设计意图:学生了解 There is\are 的用法,并且会用该句型描述周围事物。

  Step4. Summary

  本节课大明在给中国的家人发送电子邮件, 那么邮件的内容是什么呢?同学们已 经写在了本子上:There is a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. There’s Chinese dancing 然我们根据邮件的格式完成这封 email,大家 一起读一遍。

  Step4. Homework

  仔细观察我们的学校,然后写一篇小作文。用上带有 There is/There are 的句型

信息化教学设计方案 信息技术教学设计(高中政治) 信息化教学设计方案小学语文 信息化教学设计方案《信息技术在教学中如何使用的设计》 信息化教学设计方案语文 人教版六年级上册《倒数的认识》新授课教学设计 五四运动教学设计 幼儿园教学设计方案 幼儿园大班教学设计与反思 幼儿信息化教学设计范文 2,1中心投影与平行投影教学设计 关于的《北京亮起来了》教学设计 16能干的钟点工教学设计反思 2014人教版三年级面积和面积单位例3教学设计 《菜园里》教学设计 一轮基本不等式复习教学设计

外研版六上There's Chinese dancing.教学设计由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/jiaoan/671649.html


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