外研版英语网站|外研版五年级英语We laughed a lot.教学设计

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教学设计是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。小学生作文网www.zzxu.cn 小编精心为大家整理了外研版五年级英语We laughed a lot.教学设计,希望对你有帮助。

  外研版五年级英语We laughed a lot.教学设计

  Unit 1 We laughed a lot.

  Theme: Letters from Abroad

  Function: Understanding different cultures.

  Target Language: Simple past tense. The man wore women’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot. Simple future tense ‘be going to’ We are going to see you in three weeks. Mum bought new chopsticks for you.

  Vocabulary: wore (wear), women, actor, told (tell), joke, funny, after, show, ready, soon, bed, room, history, question, borrow, evening

  Pronunciation: / / / / / / / /

  Song: Postman, Postman


  1. Tell the Ss that you are going to say some verbs in the present from and then say the same verbs in the past from. Get the Ss to repeat them after you.

  2. Write all the verbs on the board.

  Have went

  Meet lost

  Is ate

  Lose had

  Eat was

  Go went

  3. Get the Ss to work in pairs. One student says the verb in the present tense from and the other says the verb in the past form.


  1. Look, listen and learn:

  A. Listen to the tape and underline the verbs in past tense form. (went, wore, told, laughed, women, actor, joke, funny, after, show, ready)

  B. Play the dialogue again and answer the questions:

  1) Where did Lingling go last week?

  2) What did the men and the women wear?

  3) What did the actors do?

  4) Where did they go after the show?

  5) What did they eat?

  C. Listen to the text and complete?

  Dear Daming:

  Last week we went to a children’s theatre . The man wore women’s clothes . The women wore men’s clothes. The actors told lots of jokes . It was very funny. Welaughed a lot. English children love the theatre.

  After the show we went to a restaurant. We all ate hamburgers and chips.

  Are you ready for your trip to America?



  2. Look and say.

  A. Ask and answer: What did he do last night?

  He watched TV.

  He played computer games.

  He ate an apple/ sweets.

  He played toys.

  He drank some milk.

  He read books.

  三、Activity book:

  Listen and write some sentences:

  1) Xiaoyong went to a party yesterday.

  2) He wore a beautiful sweater.

  3) He said ‘Happy birthday’ to his friend.

  4) His friend gave him a birthday hat.

  5) They played games together happily.

  6) They ate a big birthday cake.

  7) They were very happy.


  1. Read the text. 2. Remember the new words.

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外研版五年级英语We laughed a lot.教学设计由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/jiaoan/671648.html


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