
来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2019-05-07 14:30:03 阅读:





  1. 同时_______ 2.彼此,相互________

  3.全世界______ 4.犯错误_______

  5.带回,归还__________ 6.玩捉迷藏_____

  7.half past twelve_______ 8.保持_________

  9.对……说再见__________ 10.be careful________

  11.after the show ______ 12.小学 ____ ____

  13.怎么样____ ______ 14.告别讲演


  1.bring(过去式)__________ 2.put(过去式)__________

  3.plan(过去式) __________ 4.easy(对应词) __________

  5.say(过去式) __________ 6.happy(副词) __________

  7.wish (复数)__________ 8.forget(对应词)__________

  9.teach(过去式) __________ 10.pratise(-ing形式) __________


  1. I __________(write)a letter to my friend yesterday.

  2.Let us __________(go) for a walk.

  3.Thank you for __________(talk) to us ,Miss Li.

  4.He didn’t __________(watch) TV last night.

  5.How many __________(library) are there in your school?

  6.Good __________(wish) to you.

  7.Give the oranges to __________(she).

  8.Please __________(read) after me.


  ( )1.You brought us lots of__________.

  A.joy B.joys C.joyes D.joies

  ( )2.We __________ a happy time in school.

  A.has B.having C.have D. had

  ( )3.I like meat and she __________vegetables.

  A.like B.likes C.liked D.like to

  ( )4. Let’ s send an email __________our teacher.

  A.for B.to C.on D.form

  ( )5.I want to __________a teacher one day.

  A.be B.is C.am D.are

  ( )6.I am running because I am __________of that dog.

  A.sad B.happy C.tired D.afraid

  ( )7.I can see something looking down __________me.

  A.at B. on C. for D.with

  ( )8.Tom is __________ at school now.

  A.study B.studying C.studies D.studied

  ( )9. __________ a baby, she became blind and deaf.

  A.At B.As C.After D.In

  ( )10.Good luck __________the future.

  A.to B.for C.on D.In


  1. I am going to the park. (改为否定句)


  2. He wrote a letter last night. (改为一般否定句)

  He __________ __________ a letter last night.

  3. My father is a taikonaut. (划线部分提问)

  __________ __________your father?

  4.He is going to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)

  __________ __________ he going to school?

  5.eat, to, what, you, do, want?(连词成句)



  ( )1.What is he wearing?

  ( )2.When was he born?

  ( )3.Why are you wearing a swimsuit?

  ( )4. What are you going to wear?

  ( )5. What do you want to drink?

  A: I’m going to wear my dress.

  B: He was born in 1890.

  C:I want some juice.

  D:He is wearing a coat.

  E:Because I’m going to swim.


  ( )1.It is our one spaceship. ___________

  A B C

  ( )2.Yang Liwei did a lot of works there.____________

  A B C

  ( )3. Yesterday we go to school.__________

  A B C

  ( )4.She couldn’t see and speak. __________

  A B C

  ( )5.Yesterday my mother buys a book for me. __________

  A B C


  Dear friends,

  I’m Zha Xi. I’m twelve years old. I’m a student in Yushu Primary School. There was an earthquake (地震)some days ago.

  When it was on April 14th ,my grandparents were on the farm. My uncle worked at the airport and my aunt was in the office. My parents did housework at home.

  Some of the boys played football in the playground. Some of the girls cleaned the desks at the back of the classroom. My good friends and I were behind the teacher’s desk. My teacher was in front of the blackboard.

  It’s very lucky. My family ,teacher and classmates are safe now.

  We need some help .Can you help us?


  Zha Xi

  ( ) 1. Zha Xi is ______ years old.

  A. ten B. eleven C.twelve

  ( ) 2. -Where were Zha Xi's grandparents? -They were_____.

  A. at the airport B. on the farm C. In the office

  ( ) 3.What did the girls do? They_____ .

  A. played football B. played basketball C. cleaned the desks

  ( ) 4. The earthquake happened in _____

  A. April B. August C.May

  ( ) 5. Zha Xi's teacher was _____the blackboard.

  A.behind B.in front of C. Under

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