国债英文缩写_国债英文 国债 英文翻译

来源:其他述职报告 时间:2019-03-31 11:31:20 阅读:


自由国债,又称任意国债,是指由国家发行的由公民、法人或其他组织自愿认购的国债。它是当代各国发行国债普遍采用的形式,易于为购买者接受。今天,小学生作文网www.zzxu.cn 小编是为大家分享国债英文 国债 英文翻译范文,欢迎参考!


  国债 英文翻译

  国债 [guó zhài]

  1. national debt

  2. public debt



  The national debts of that country are rolling up.


  The transaction would involve a considerable lapse of time because the shares could not be sold until the state debt was paid.


  国债 [guó zhài]national debt

  在例句中比较网络释义专业释义汉语词典国债 [guó zhài]


  以上来源于:《现代汉语大词典》秒懂释义national debt;government loan;treasury bonds;public debt, 国债,又称国家公债,是国家以其信用为基础,按照债券的一般原则,通过向社会筹集资金所形成的债权债务关系。国债是由国家发行的债券,是中央政府为筹集财政资金而发行的一种政府债券,是中央政府向投资者出具的、承诺在一定时期支付利息和到期偿还本金的债权债务凭证,由于国债的发行主体是国家,所以它具有最高的信用度,被公认为是最安全的投资工具。



  government securities repurchase

  国债 national debt; government lo ...

  回 circle; wind

  购 purchase; buy

  无风险回报,相当于90天期国债回报 risk-free return

  回购 bb; buy back; counter purchase; re-purchase or repo; repurchase; rollover; tra ...

  国债 national debt; government loan

  回购价 buy-back price

  回购油 buy back oil

  国债(乐队) bond

  国债券 national bond

  产品返销, 回购 buy-back

  产品回购 product buyback

  反向回购 reverse repos

  股份回购 share buyback/repurchase; share repurchase

  股票回购 share repurchase; stock repurchase

  回购安排 buy-back arrangements

  回购抵押品 repo security

  回购股份 share repurchase

  回购合同 buy-back agreement

  回购或互购 counter purchase or parallel deals

  回购价格 buy back price; repurchase price; repurchaseprice

  回购交易 buy-back deal; repurchase transaction

  回购津贴 buyback allowance

  回购贸易 buy back deals; buy-back

  回购权证 call warrant

  例句与用法Analysis on buy - back market of the government bonds


  The decision making model of bond exchanging market and bond repo market


  Research of predictive power of interest rate term structure of chinese government bond repo market


  Restricted by the author ' s capability , there must be some defects in this thesis . if you have read my thesis , welcome to make your wise advice to me and thank you very much


  With the analysis of repurchase rates of chinese government bonds in the market , this paper arrives at the statistical features of the rates , which has laid down the foundation for further studies


  The system is prohibited by law in the p . r . of china . although , in recent times there has been much market pressure in the p . r . of china for change . especially after the p . r . of china has been the leaguer of the wto

  1994年以前我国银行业事实上采取的是混业经营模式, 1992年下半年开始的泡沫经济,使银行大量资金通过国债回购、同业拆借进入证券市场,金融秩序极度混乱,甚至一度出现了严重的金融市场失控局面。

  National debt repurchase ( repo ) is trading on national debt and capital , that is capital holder and national debt holder reach an agreement of trading on national debt on trading day , and national debt seller promise to buy it back on the maturity and in fixed price


  We should attach more importance to following channels at present time : broaden monetary market function ; perfect stock mortgage loan ; develop investment institute ; explore investment banking business , including investment funds business channel , insurance business channel and security business channel ; make financial organization renovation . following policy suggestions should be applied : 1 ) perfect the policy environment ; 2 ) treat the problem rationally ; 3 ) implement financial mixed operation system in due time ; 4 ) foster financial market ; 5 ) enhance external supervision ; 6 ) deepen the construction of commercial banks ; 7 ) introduce bank capital into stock market in stages


  As revealed by the study , following problems exist : 1 ) the supply of bank capital has a close relation with the fluctuation of stock market ; 2 ) the volume of bank capital flowing into stock market is large and it is estimated that there are 450 - 600 billion of bank capital exist on stock market , 2 / 3 of which are illegal ; 3 ) most bank capital are getting into stock market through illegal channels , such as illegal repurchase of government securities , illegal acceptance and discount of trade bill , embezzlement of customers " guarantee deposit , illegal interbank loan , illegal diversion of credit capital to other purpose , etc . the inflow of bank capital to stock market has dual influences on our economy and finance

  表现在: ( 1 )据估计我国进入股市的银行信贷资金存量在4500 - 6000亿元左右,其中滞留于一级市场的资金规模约为2000 - 3000亿元,进入二级市场的规模在2000 - 2500亿元之间,国有股和法人股转让市场涉及信贷资金规模约为500 - 600亿元,然而,在这千亿元进入股市的信贷资金中2 3左右都是违规流入的。 ( 2 )银行资金入市除同业拆借、国债回购和股票质押贷款三种合法渠道外,多是通过非法渠道流入股市的,其途径主要包括:违规国债回购、违规商业汇票承兑及贴现、挪用客户保证金、违规拆借资金、企业违规挪用银行信贷资金、个人违规使用银行贷款等。

  The review and analysis of the institutional arrangements of china ' s government bonds repurchase market indicates that the root - cause for government bonds repurchase risk on the stock exchange is the trusteeship and settlement system ; securities dealers are both dealers on the government bonds market and supervisors of other investors , which is the institutional black hole for their repeated misappropriation of clients ' securities



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