阿里云|A school activity that has benefited me most

来源:中国梦作文 时间:2019-07-05 17:30:07 阅读:


  A school activity that

  has benefited me most

  Never can I forget the special extracurricular activity I took part in when I was a primary school student.

  As far as I remember, the final bell was around the corner one day. Our head teacher took out a stack of paper ,written “Bell” on the blackboard, explained that everyone would take down how much our parents spend on us daily on a piece of paper. It sounded unintelligible, for it's their response to raise me in my heart. However, I did as the teacher said. “Clothing,toys,snacks...” An increasing number of items were listed on my paper. At the same time, the amount of money was accumulating rapidly. Not until a Mother's Day did I stop the activity .I bought a bunch of flowers worth ten yuan for my mother that day. As I entered my room, I got a glimpse of the paper lying on my table. The huge numbers on it made me lost in silence .Only at that time did I realize that compared to our parents, what we did for them was a drop in the bucket. Meanwhile, the cold numbers failed to express the true love they gave us.

  Even though I have participated in various activities since then, nothing can have such a profound impact on me like this.

  广播电视学 楼晖



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