[they are billions]they sang beautiful课件

来源:教学工作总结 时间:2019-06-14 07:16:28 阅读:


课件实质是一种软件,是在一定的学习理论指导下,根据教学目标设计的、反映某种教学策略和教学内容的计算机软件。课件的基本模式有练习型、指导型、咨询型、模拟型、游戏型、问题求解型、发现学习型等。小学生作文网www.zzxu.cn 小编今天为大家精心准备了they  sang  beautiful课件,希望对大家有所帮助!

  they sang beautiful课件

  四年级英语新版Module 8 Unit 1 They sang beautifully课件

  Module 8 Unit 1

  They sang beautifully.






  原形 过去式

  play played row rowed listen listened phone phoned

  laugh watch wash talk walk look cook help jump dance stop skip hop

  laughed watched washed talked walked looked cooked helped jumped danced stopped skipped hopped


  ? ? ? ? ? ? is/am are isn’t aren’t do/does don’t/doesn’t


  was 是 were 是 wasn’t不是 weren’t不是 did 助动词 didn’t 没有

  What did you do last Sunday? 你上星期天做了什么?

  What did you do last Sunday? We had a picnic last Sunday.

  have-------had 有,度过

  had a picnic


  How did you go there?你们怎么去那儿? We went there by bus. go----went 去


  What did you do last Sunday?

  We saw some birds.

  see------saw 看见


  What did you do last Sunday? We sang beautifully.

  sing过去式sang 唱歌

  What did you do last Sunday? I ate some food.



  喝 drink

  饮料 drink

  drink some dinks 喝一些饮料

  What did you do last Sunday?

  We drank some drinks.


  drink------drank 喝,饮

  What did you do last Sunday? I took some pictures.

  take-------took 拍摄



  过去式 had 有,度过 went去 saw看 sang唱歌 drank喝,饮 gave给 ate吃 took拍摄 made制作

  have/has go see sing drink give eat take make


  Was it fun?有趣的

  ? Yes,it was. ? No, it wasn’t.

  Mum , we saw some children. They played games.

  saw(看见) ----- see的过去式

  And they sang songs too.

  sang(歌唱) ----- sing的过去式

  Dad , we had a picnic last Sunday.

  last 最近过去的

  Was it fun?

  fun 有趣的事

  We went there by bus.

  there 在那儿,去那儿 by bus 乘公共汽车

  Yes, it was.

  went(去..) ----- go的过去式

  beautifully 漂亮地,优美地

  And we saw some birds.

  They sang beautifully.

  ate(吃) ----- eat的过去式

  We ate some food and drank some drinks.

  drank(喝) ----- drink的过去式

  We played games.

  Oh, you had a good time.

  have a good time 玩得很开心

  And we walked in the park. We listened to music.

  We sang and danced.

  We helped teacher too.

  Oh, you had a busy day!

  have a busy day 度过忙碌的一天


  We went there by bus.

  They sang beautifully.

  Amy went to school by bike.

  Ms Smart walked to school.

  Lingling ate some food.

  Daming listened to music. Sam sang songs.

  Tom ate an apple.

  She ate some food.

  They played games.

  They sang songs.

  We drank some drinks.

  Match. I drank


  He played She went there We had

  by train. a busy day! some drinks.

  Match. Was it faun?

  Yes, I did. they sang beautifully in the park. Yes, it was.

  They walked We saw some Birds

  Did you dance?


  see ( saw ) go ( went ) sing ( sang ) drink ( drank ) do ( did ) eat ( ate ) have ( had ) listen ( listened ) walk ( walked ) are ( were )


  1. We (see/saw) some birds yesterday. 2. Amy (goes/went) to school everyday. And she (goes/went) by bus yesterday. 3.They (have/had )a good time yesterday. 4. We (listened/ listen) to music and danced. And we (sing/ sang) songs. 5.I (drinks/ drank ) (drinks/ drank ) yesterday.

  1. We sing. We yesterday. A. didn’t, danced B. didn’t, dance 2.We games and had . A. played; good time B. played; a good time 3.—Did they any birds? -- no, they . A. saw; didn’t B. see; didn’t

  Choose .

  4.The birds sang . A. beautiful B. beautifully 5. We went to Leshan bus yesterday. And we a happy day. A. by; had B. on; had

  Choose .


  bus, We, there, by, went

  We went there by bus . and, We, some ,ate, food, drank, drinks, some.

  We ate some food and drank some drinks.


  you, a , time, Oh, had, good.

  Oh, you had a good time. sang, We, danced, and.

  We sang and danced.


  sang there drank beautifully saw game last time fun ate went drink



  We ate some food and drank some drinks. We went there by bus .

  Oh, you had a good time.

探究动能变化与机械功教案 高中政治必修四第九课第二框教案 关爱他人班会教案 高中地理常见天气系统教案 青春理想奋斗主题班会教案 夸父追日课件 高中必修二政治生活 颜真卿的劝学阅读答案 防溺水教育主题班会课件 遵规守纪学会自律班会教案 高一老人与海课件 随着互联网的普及,失衡格局 青春,理想,奋斗主题班会教案 高三政治2015第二轮政治生活复习教案 关于文明礼仪的主题班会教案 预防手足口病主题班会教案 政治生活:自觉参与教案 政治生活自觉参与教案 必修二化学键教案 放飞梦想主题班会教案 教科版小学语文单元反思 十八岁出远门教案 平行线的性质课件教案 关注交通,珍爱生命主题班会教案 勤俭节约主题班会教案 初三议论文复习教案 减数第一次分裂教案 反邪教案例 初中生励志主题班会 发展中的化学电源教案 unit1 friendship 课件 初中地理会考复习教案 四年级学习雷锋主题班会教案 向雷锋同志学习主题班会教案 合欢树教案 名著导读《家》教案 和田的维吾尔人教学反思 塔里木盆地聚落 圆周运动习题课 夏夜多美懂得了什么 地震中的父子阅读答案 周忌讽齐王纳谏阅读答案 后来沉重的奖杯变成了坚硬的外壳,这是一只什么样的蜗牛 唯物辩证法矛盾观分析在丝绸之路经济带建设中如何对待 因为拍戏而损坏环境 四年级下册数学学习机 圆锥侧面展开图是一个面积为S的半圆,则圆锥的全面积 四个全面解读 合作共赢班会 四个人和一只箱子教学反思

they sang beautiful课件由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/jiaoan/678065.html


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