today函数_today is her birthday教学设计

来源:教学设计 时间:2019-05-24 05:30:16 阅读:


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  today is her birthday教学设计

  Everyone should know today is White Day, but it is not meaning that everyone know today is my good friend's birthday. She just hold a smail birthday party on her room. Wishes that she should be given are special and many, but she still not happy enough.There are so many people want to express their feelings to someone they love in White Day! All in all, today is an unusual day!

  The most important thing is that today is White Day, there are a boy in her heart, and she love him for a long time, but she feared that the boy would not accept her. Because her birthday was on time for White Day, she wanted to express her feeling to the boy. If there were not so many mistakes, I think they would go together. However, everything can not develop as we expect, when she wanted to talk to him by calling him, he was calling another person. When she wanted to send him message, his phone was broken. When she wanted his roomates to tell him, he already went to sleep! That is so bad, but I think she have a magic name, and she is a magic girl. In my view, she will make it if she insist pursuing him!

  The next important thing is that she invited me to o to her birthday party, but we have two classes in the morning, so we came to dining hall too late! We just ate noodles for celebrating her birthday and to express our best wishes to her. In China, you should eat noodles for birthday, it is a symbol of longevity (long life) . In spite of the price of this lunch, the happiness was simple but excited! I will make a vow to bless her always happy!

  Last but not least, we came to her room to share her birthday cake. This cake was produced by CAU. We ate the cake in a crowded room and made a jok. So long time did I eat sweets, without her cake, I would not eat so great cake in 15 days!

  In short, I wish her make a good life and always happy. I would find a suitable man for her birthday gift if she need. That is a joking. Our friendship will forever because we are good sisters! I love you, dear.

  (My computer did not work, so I borrow other's computer to write it, I think it would be a worse one.)

  四年级英语下册 Unit6 Today is Her Birthday教案 陕旅版



  1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:gifts, flowers, card, birthday party, balloons, candles.

  2. 能在实际生活中灵活应用以上词汇

  3. 引导学生完成Part C Look and write 部分

  教学重点:能听、说、读、写词汇:gifts, flowers, card, birthday

  party, balloons, candles. 能在实际生活中灵活应用以上词汇

  教学难点:引导学生完成Part C Look and write 部分



  (一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:gifts, flowers, card,Birthday party, balloons, candles.





  T: What are you going to do after class?

  S: I’m going to ...

  T: I‘m going to a birthday party. Today is my friend

  Jack’s birthday. His birthday is on ..., and my birthday is on ...

  T: What about your birthday?





