[到账 英文]到账 到账英文

来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2019-04-14 08:30:52 阅读:


英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言之一。以下是小学生作文网www.zzxu.cn 分享的到账到账 到账英文,希望能帮助到大家! 

  到账  到账英文(1)

  到账 into one 's account ; to the account

  在例句中比较网络释义 Account到账 » Account 咱们不是一个层次 » Lets not a level ..

  To the account短语

  资金到账 Funds to the account ; Funds credited into account ; Money

  已到账余额 Collected balances

  资金已到账 Funds have been transferred ; Funds account ; Funds to the account

  及时到账 Timely account ; In time to the account

  到账时间 sac longchamp taille

  款已到账 Account has already been ; Paragraph has been account

  直接过账到应付账 Posting to Accounts Payable

  明天应该可以到账 Tomorrow should account

  美元境内全额到账服务 Guaranteed US plus

  紧急援助用款可能格外被政府“盯上”,因为这种款项到账更快而且监管很松。 但被“盯上”的绝不仅仅是紧急援助用款。

  Emergency assistance is perhaps particularly vulnerable, because it is given so rapidly and withless oversight, but it is not unique. article.yeeyan.org


  Our clients can apply for being paid by transfer bank cheque in any branch of our bank, and the fund will be transferred to the client' account synchronously. 


  The original fund shall be the monetary fund on the account.

  到账  到账英文(2)

  资金到账funds arrive at one's account

  Funds credited into account Money短语

  资金已到账 Funds have been transferred ; Funds account ; Funds to the account秒懂释义我来解释一下双语例句原始基金必须为到账货币资金;

  The original fund shall be the monetary fund on the account. 


  Our clients can apply for being paid by transfer bank cheque in any branch of our bank, and the fund will be transferred to the client' account synchronously. 

  到账  到账英文(3)



  At all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register, butyou usually have to clear the table when you finish!


  Some money would arrive fairly quickly, too: Each new casino operation would pay a $75 millionlicensing fee to the state right away. article.yeeyan.org


  Would it arrive within 2 hours?


  At all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register, but you usually have to clear the table when you finish. 


  The central government has said it will set aside up to $300 million for decontaminating schoolsand playgrounds affected by the nuclear crisis but has yet to say when that money will appear. article.yeeyan.org


  Withdrawal day Daozhang! bbs.7icc.com


  But one day, when she withdrew money from the ATM, she noticed that her bank account hadsuddenly tripled. article.yeeyan.org


  Certainly, Mr. Li. Please come to the Cashier Counter in the lobby. I'll prepare the bill for you. 


  The system supports real-time interbank transfers and interbank balance inquiries. club.topsage.com


  You may not withdraw the uncollected checks until the settlements for exchange are made. 


  The UN had been seeking $30m, but has so far received only $7m and will run out of food forfleeing refugees within months. 


  Our finance department has confirmed that the payment for this batch of goods has transmitted, you'll receive it on this Saturday or next Monday at the latest. F. Y. sl.iciba.com


  Calls for margin are usually expected to be paid and received on the same day. 


  L/Cs are ideally used in international transactions to ensure that payment will be received by the seller. blog.163.com


  We only provide this servicebefore4p. m. according to the regulation. It is 4 p. m. now, you couldchoose the 24-hour money transfer service. 


  The system supports real-time interbank transfers and interbank balance inquiries. 81new.com


  The system supports real-time interbank transfers and interbank balance inquiries. 81new.com

工商银行丢了如果记不到账号可以补办吗? 为什么我公司要求代发工资银行每月一号给员工代发工资,没有到账的原因是啥呢 2016四川调整机关事业单位工作人员基本工资标准何时到账 12月1日后支付宝转账可以实时到账不 明天12月1日微信提现能马上到账吗 广东退休2016涨工资几月能到账 奖学金什么时候到账厦门医高专 山东省生源地助学贷款到账时间 关于北京大兴区2016年度退伍军人补助金何时到账 app贷款马上到账 dr股票什么时候到账

到账 到账英文由小学生作文网(www.zzxu.cn)收集整理,转载请注明出处!原文地址http://www.zzxu.cn/wendang/985451.html


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