
来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2019-03-23 14:30:06 阅读:


“人工智能”一词最初是在1956 年Dartmouth学会上提出的。从那以后,研究者们发展了众多理论和原理,人工智能的概念也随之扩展。烟花美文网www.39394.com 小编精心为大家整理了人工智能的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。


  In recent years, AI(artificial intelligence) is ubiquitous, maybe you didn't notice it at all, but recently, Google's AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol, the World Go Champion. It must cause your attention, meanwhile, the machine's sweeping victories have once again made AI a hot topic. The impact of artificial intelligence on our life is mainly reflected in following aspects.

  First, the impact of AI on natural science. In many subjects which need computers, AI has an important position, conversely, AI is helpful to the formation of our own intelligence.Second, the impact of AI on economy. AI into various fields to generate huge benefit, but it also causes the question of employment. As AI replaced the human in many ways, it leads to a huge change in a social framework.The last one is the impact of AI on society, AI provided a new model to our life, because many developers use AI to develop more interesting games, it makes our life colorful.

  AI is a double-edged sword, because some people expect AI to benefit mankind in more fields, and some others fear that AI will eventually get out of control. But in my view, if we can use it very well, it will bring more conveniences to our life, not to lose control. Not only so but also can develop technology.


  How Will AI Affect Our Life The artificial intelligence, such as a computer that thinks like a human being is scary. When it comes to this issues, different people offer different views, some people think that machine has feelings like human beings is interesting and it may be a better server to human; while the other think it is dangerous, it may causes a revolt.

  In my opinion, We should not be afraid of artificial intelligence. It is the science and technology revolution that makes the modern civilization.let me talk some advantages of AI. On the one hand ,AI makes our society much richer than before.Because AI makes the same labors can produce more products in the same time. On the other hand, Computer is the most common artificial intelligence products. Without computer,we may not know so much about the updated information of the world.Without computer,scientist may not invent so many amazing inventions. In summary I sure AI has bright future.

  In a word,AI changes our life in everywhere and we can see AI in everywhere.Maybe we think there is not any weakness in AI.


  Nowadays, a large number of people are becoming increasingly dependent on their PC. They might use such computer software as QQ or Fetion to stay in touch with their family and friends. They may surf the Internet to find useful information for them or to help their work done. Anyway, reasons for relying on computers are uncountable.

  However, relying excessively on computers can bring about lots of problems. First and for most, computers can make people lazy. Computers are faster than human in calculation, more capable in getting things done all at one time. Once a person has such an assistant, he or she can be addicted to getting helped. Thus, when they run into problems, instead of thinking by themselves and trying their best to figure things out, the lazy version of them may just turn to computer for convenience.

  In my opinion, we should strike a balance between asking for help from computers and working on our own. Nevertheless, computers are only tools devised by human who should not be taken place by them. Only in keeping our minds active and brains trained can we human invent smarter devices than computer and build a better world of intelligence.


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