
来源:素材及写作指导 时间:2018-08-11 10:00:02 阅读:




  Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.
  Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.


  ant 蚂蚁
  ass 驴子
  alpaca 羊驼
  albatross 信天翁
  antilope 羚羊
  anteater 食蚁兽
  bat 蝙蝠
  bee 蜜蜂
  bear 熊
  bird 鸟
  bull 公牛
  buffalo 水牛
  beaver 河狸
  bald eagle白头鹰
  bird of paradise 极乐鸟
  giant salamander 娃娃鱼
  cat 猫
  crab 螃蟹
  camel 骆驼
  cow 母牛
  calf 小牛
  cock 公鸡
  chicken 小鸡
  crocodile 鳄鱼
  cricket 蟋蟀
  crane 鹤
  carp 鲤鱼
  cetipede 蜈蚣
  cobra 眼睛蛇
  crow 乌鸦
  cuckoo 布谷鸟
  crayfish 小龙虾
  dog 狗
  duck 鸭子
  duckling 小鸭
  deer 鹿
  dove 鸽子
  donkey 驴
  dolphin 海豚
  dragonfly 蜻蜓
  drone 雄蜂
  elephant 大象
  fish 鱼
  frog 青蛙
  fox 狐狸
  fly 苍蝇
  firefly 萤火虫
  flea 跳蚤
  ferret 雪貂
  goose 鹅
  giraffe 长颈鹿
  goat 山羊
  gazelle 小羚羊
  grouse 松鸡
  grasshopper 蚱蜢
  grass snake 草蛇
  kitty 小猫
  koala 考拉
  kingfisher 翠鸟
  kangaroo 袋鼠
  horse 马
  hare 野兔
  hedgehog 刺猬
  heron 苍鹰
  hermit crab 寄居蟹
  hippopotamus 河马
  lark 云雀
  lion 狮子
  leopard 豹
  lamb 羊羔
  lizard 蜥蜴
  lobster 龙虾
  large prawn 大对虾
  locust 蝗虫
  ladybird 雌鸟
  magpie 喜鹊
  monkey 猴子
  mouse 老鼠
  mole 鼹鼠
  marmot 土拨鼠
  mantis 螳螂
  mosquito 蚊子
  mallard 野鸭
  mare 母马
  nightingale 夜莺
  nanny 雌山羊
  ox 牛
  owl 猫头鹰
  ostrich 鸵鸟
  octopus 章鱼
  oyster 牡蛎
  otter 水獭
  pig 猪
  panda 熊猫
  penguin 企鹅
  peacock 孔雀
  parrot 鹦鹉
  pigeon 鸽子
  platypus 鸭嘴兽
  python 蟒蛇
  pheasant 野鸡
  puma 美洲豹
  quail 鹌鹑
  queen ant 蚁后
  queen bee 蜂王
  rabbit 兔子
  rat 老鼠
  robin 知更鸟
  reindeer 驯鹿
  rattlesnake 响尾蛇
  rhinoceros 犀牛
  swan 天鹅
  swallow 燕子
  swallowtail 凤尾蝶
  sparrow 麻雀
  starling 八哥
  sheep 羊
  snake 蛇
  squirrel 松鼠
  spider 蜘蛛
  scorpion 蝎子
  snail 蜗牛
  seagull 海鸥
  seal 海豹
  shrimp 虾
  sardin 沙丁鱼
  shark 鲨鱼
  swordfish 剑鱼
  sea horse 海马
  sea turtle 海龟
  sea wrchin 海胆
  tiger 虎
  turkey 火鸡
  tortoise 乌龟
  tuna 金枪鱼
  turtledove 斑鸠
  vole 田鼠
  vulture 秃鹫
  wall lizard 壁虎
  wolf 狼
  whale 鲸
  walrus 海象
  woodpecker 啄木鸟
  worm 蚯蚓
  yellow weasel 黄鼠狼
  yak 耗牛
  zebra 斑马
  Old McDonald (Play With It) Lyrics and Actions
  Key Gestures
  Farmer - Pretend to hold on to your overall straps.
  Cow - Pretend to milk a cow.
  Horse - Use the ASL sign. Place your thumb on your right temple and bend your index and middle fingers up and down.
  Pig - Push the tip of your nose up with one finger.
  Sheep - Pretend to pet a sheep.
  Duck - Open and close your full hand in front of your mouth, imitating a duck"s bill.
  Rooster - With your fingers spread wide, touch your thumb to your forehead, representing a rooster"s comb.
  Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. [Farmer gesture.]
  And on that farm he had a COW. E-I-E-I-O. [Cow gesture.]
  What does a COW say? [Shrug your shoulders to indicate asking a question.]
  Meow? [Elicit, "No!" answers by shaking your head "no."]
  Oink? [Elicit, "No!" answers.]
  Moo? [Elicit a big, "YES!!!" answer by nodding your head up and down.]
  With a moo moo here. [Continue making the cow gesture and "moo, moo" to the left.]
  And a moo moo there. ["Moo, moo" to the right.]
  Here a moo. ["Moo" to the left.]
  There a moo. ["Moo" to the right.]
  Everywhere a moo moo. ["Moo, moo" as you move your head in a circular motion.]
  Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. [Farmer gesture.]


  My father is a teacher. He is fat and wears a pair of glasses. He has a crew head and is not very tall.
  My father likes swimming, running, playing table tennis, reading books and traveling.
  My father is very strict with me. He often teaches me to be polite. A trip to an uncle home, uncle gave me a big round of apple, I took the apple from Uncle hands, eat up with relish, on the way home, my father taught me to do source said: "a polite child, others give you something to say thank you."
  My father asked me to be an honest man. Once I watched TV secretly in my room. My father told me to open the door. I quickly turned off the TV. My father asked me, "what are you doing?"" I said, "I"m reading a book."". He glanced at it and said, "you"re lying, aren"t you?" Can you keep me from hiding? Do you know?" I have to admit it. My father said to me: "I have done something wrong to admit, do not lie, Zhicuojiugai or good children." I remember my father"s teachings.
  My father is a strict man. I like my father. He taught me to be polite and honest.
  My father is of medium height, big and with God"s eyes, with a short black and bright hair, a slender figure, a very temperament, strong arm strong and powerful, and everyone praises him for being handsome.
  My father is very strict with me. He often doesn"t let me go out on Saturday or Sunday. I ask me to do exercises at home, so I got 92 marks for the math test. My father usually likes swimming. In the summer, he takes me to swim in Taihu as long as he takes a rest. He says it is a skill to survive.
  He has a bad temper and will use force to educate me when I am angry. I call my father "the best martial artist in the world"". But sometimes he is very kind, often give up nap time, teach me how to learn Olympic math, often learn first, and then teach me. I often teach my father some English, such as koala, koala and so on.
  My father himself also love learning, he is graduating from the police academy students, graduation certificate, and now in the undergraduate exam, often study very late. My father is an example to me. Although my father is very strict with me, I still love him very much.

