
来源:节日贺词祝词 时间:2018-06-23 10:00:04 阅读:




  ★A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.——Henry Adams
  ★The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.
  ★ We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.
  ★ Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.
  ★My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honour you sincerely.
  ★One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.
  ★ Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.
  ★ What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.
  ★You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.
  ★ It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.
  ★This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you
  ★ I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.
  ★This is Teachers" Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers" Day.
  ★for all the great things you say and do the best teacher’s award goes to you.
  ★ We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher"s Day!
  ★ You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.
  ★ Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.
  ★ The whole secret of the teacher"s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.
  ★ No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.
  ★ teacher, you are hard gardener, nurturing the seeds of those of us so that we take root, grow! You are the architects of the future, brick by brick of hard work!You are the light of candles to illuminate us, but just not light up themselves. Today, we are blessed with a sincere thank you! Teacher, your hard work! I wish the teacher students everywhere!
  ★ I wish every teacher could have a sunny smile, a healthy body, you are a miracle worker, you feed us, and we deeply thank you!
  ★ You are not actors, but to attract the attention of our hunger and thirst; you are not a singer, ding-dong sound allows the springs of knowledge, sing beautiful songs; you are not a sculptor, but groups of young people in shaping the soul ... .. the teacher ah, how can I put you forget!
  ★ If I can fighting blue sky, when you gave me to take off; If I hit the wave of warriors that try their hand that you gave me the strength, if I is not quenched the torch that you gave me youth"s bright!
  ★ teacher, your hard work! You let me know that "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart"!
  老师,您辛苦了!您让我知道“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” !
  ★ grateful for your words a thousand words can not express late, for your blessings of heavenly years will not change, the teacher, I wish you good luck!
  ★ students everywhere, kindness deep as the sea, I wish good health teacher!
  ★ a festival, though not in the spring, but spring. Teacher, your holiday best, this day, your garden"s flowers are in full bloom!
  ★ mountain unwavering, constant flow of clear water, my teacher grace, heart stay forever!
  ★ teacher, you work hard, every school is the first to you, and the last batch of home is your "day as a teacher, parent" I wish you glory in the educational career!
  ★ teacher, if you are a beautiful sky of the sun, we are underground lovely grass, is that you give us new life. Your day and night to help us take care of us, your hard work!
  ★ You are the winter of charcoal, is the heat in the shade umbrella, a stepping stone to turbulence is the beacon light amid the fog - a teacher, ah, your words and deeds, and educating people well and others with willingness and memorable!
  ★ a picture of simple face, which both hard hands, as tirelessly cultivating the flowers and the gardener in your season, I wish you a happy holiday!
  ★ In this special holiday, we would like to tell you: the teacher, you work hard, I wish the teacher can music of life, to laugh test!
  ★ like the whole world of horses, with the sun brilliant!
  ★ There is a feeling in the world beyond the family, friendship. That teachers care and concern for our feelings, our feelings carefully taught. I sincerely wish all the best teachers, always healthy, always HAPPY!



  Thank you for instructing my child.
  My sincere thanks to you for being my child"s teacher.
  A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
  You are our parents, we all love you.
  On teacher"s day this day, heartfelt blessing you.
  We are more thankful than we can express.
  The teacher you hard, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday.
  Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.
  Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
  We like you to be our teacher, we honor you, thank you.
  The whole secret of the teacher"s force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.
  Teacher"s day is the most memorable to me, it records the students" laughter.
  Teacher"s day that day, our teacher and spent a memorable holiday.
  You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Happy teachers" day!
  We send you a small gift, to show our gratitude for you. Happy teacher"s day!
  You are not only a qualified teacher, is a good friend, thank you for what you have done.
  Gently back hou, don"t want to disturb you! Just want to really know you everything is ok.
  Tirelessly teacher you are a hero, you pay for us, we will never forget you!
  Teacher, is that you will be ignorant of us, and brought into the classroom, is you have taught us, happy growth.
  The primary purpose of education, is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.
  Teacher, thank you for using the light of my life, light up my life journey, I am full of gratitude to you.
  No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude for you.


  1. Who gave us a civilized language? Who taught us philosophy of life? Who taught us how to behave? Is you! Hard gardener! I wish you a happy holiday!
  2. Endless kindness, always remember heart. Grow every day, I will bless you, my teacher.
  3. Hello! My voice now? How are you? Children obedient? Student efforts? The memory of the campus and you smile, always around --
  4. Thank you teacher There"s a rainbow don"t appear in the also appears in the sky after the rain It is often appear in my heart clings to me... Serious to do things straight With a clean SLATE.
  5. My respected teacher, appreciation of the season The wind blows over my eyes, the rain fell in the heart, a few screen curtainfall again Can"t help but remember childhood again Greeting you quietly.
  6. Save a miss deep in the heart forever forever...... Best wishes for you; Miss you my dear teacher.
  7. The bells jingle, coquettish flowers Are limited by time Only my blessing forever Forever wish you give me the teacher of the fountain of wisdom.
  8. Are you with the life of the torch light up my way forward, I want to sincerely say to you: thank you, teacher!
  9. On this special day, I want to say to the teacher you sound: the teacher happy holidays! To you in the future days happy and healthy!
  Dedicated to the beloved teacher, we search for those beautiful memories of people. Silently far bless you healthy and happy forever!
  11. I respect the teachers, my success is the support you have given, thousands of words a "thank you" - you are my teacher forever, forever friend!
  12. Hard sweat is your selfless dedication, filled with the whole country is the highest honor in the you. I wish you: happy holidays! Happiness forever!
  13. The teachers the sun, you are the sky shining stars, with your bright star light each student"s heart, bless you, thank you!
  14. Success comes from your culture, outstanding from your work. Cheer for today at the same time, we always remember you at the beginning of teachings and proverbs!
  15. I miss you, miss you - teachers! Miss and blessing to you will be increasing, the good life of peace!
  16. Experienced wind and rain, just know your valuable; On the success, just know your greatest; - thank you, I respect the teacher!
  17. Let us admire your learning, you are, let"s admit defeat, your holiday let us celebrate together! Teacher, happy holidays!
  18. You are like a hard gardener, we would like you to plant trees, we would like for you to resist the cold in the winter, the spring bring you green, bring you a cool summer, autumn bring you fruits!
  19. Along the way to have your teachings, to not be lost; All the way to have your attention, to more confident, brave teacher, thank you!
  20. Instructing you rush me trials and hardships, my blessings with you day and night.
  1. 是谁给了我们文明语言?是谁教会了我们人生的哲学?是谁教会我们怎样做人?是您!辛勤的园丁!祝您节日快乐!
  2. 无尽的恩情,永远铭记心中.每个成长的日子里,我都要祝福你,我的老师.
  3. 您好!现在嗓子好吗?身体好吗?儿女听话吗?学生努力吗?校园的记忆和您灿烂的笑容,一直都在身边--
  4. 感谢恩师 有一道彩虹 不出现在雨后 也出现在天空 它却常出现在我心中 敲击着我…… 认认真直地做事 清清白白地做人.
  5. 敬爱的老师—— 感念的季节 风吹过我的眼眸, 雨落在心中, 几番幕起又幕落 忍不住又忆起童年往事 悄悄问候您.
  6. 存一份怀念在心深处 地久天长直到永远…… 祝福您;怀念您 我敬爱的老师.
  7. 悦耳的铃声,妖艳的鲜花 都受时间的限制 只有我的祝福永恒 永远永远祝福您 给我智慧之泉的老师.
  8. 是您用生命的火炬照亮了我前进的道路,我要衷心对您说一声:谢谢您,老师!
  9. 在这个特别的日子里,我想对老师您说声:老师节日快乐!愿您在今后的日子里健康快乐!
  10. 献给敬爱的老师,我们搜寻那些美丽耐人的回忆。默默遥远地祝福您永远健康快乐!
  11. 我尊敬的老师,我的成功是您给予的支持,千言万语一声“谢谢”——您是我永远的老师,永远的朋友!
  12. 辛勤的汗水是您无私的奉献,桃李满天下是您最高的荣誉。祝您:节日快乐!幸福永远!
  13. 天底下的老师们,你们是天上耀眼的星星,用您们那明亮的星光照亮每一位学生的心灵,祝福你们,感谢你们!
  14. 成功源自您的栽培,优秀出自您的耕耘。为今天喝彩的同时,我们永远铭记您当初的教诲和箴言!
  15. 想念您,怀念您——老师!对您的怀念与祝福将与日俱增,好人一生平安!
  16. 经历了风雨,才知道您的可贵;走上了成功,才知道您的伟大;——谢谢您,我尊敬的老师!
  17. 您的学识让我们钦佩,您的为人让我们折服,您的节日让上我们共同庆祝!老师,节日快乐!
  18. 您就像一位辛勤的园丁,我们就像您培植的小树,我们愿在冬天为您抵挡寒冷,春天带给您绿意,夏天带给您凉爽,秋天带给您硕果!
  19. 一路上有您的教导,才不会迷失方向;一路上有您的关注,才更加自信勇敢,老师,谢谢您!
  20. 您的教诲催我风雨兼程,我的祝福伴您昼夜耕耘。

