
来源:散文诗歌 时间:2018-05-28 10:16:04 阅读:



  1、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.
  2、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I"ve no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this.
  我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了 这个,我每天都非常快乐。
  3、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
  4、I don"t know what to say…I was just thinking of her a lot at that moment.
  5、Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
  许多人向往水晶般的 爱情,晶莹剔透没有瑕疵。但更多人拥有的是玻璃般的爱情。
  6、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.
  偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了 什么。
  7、When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn"t take away the world that belongs to you.
  当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天 依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。
  8、Love shouldn"t fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  9、To the same word, is both miss, is also missed“miss”
  10、An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgettingA badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.
  一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是 时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。
  11、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
  12、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.
  13、Love means never having to say you are sorry.
  14、When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.
  15、Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!
  16、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.
  17、The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning, beautiful flowers.
  18、Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply.
  19、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.
  20、I know that love shall not be compared, but I still used to complaining what he is lack of.


  What  pink? A rose  pink 什么是粉红色?
  By the fountain"s brink. 喷泉边的玫瑰就是粉红色。
  What  red? A poppy"s red 什么是艳红色?
  In its barley bed. 在大麦床里的花就是艳红色。
  What  blue? The sky  blue 什么是蓝色?天空就是蓝色,
  Where the clouds float thro". 云朵飘过其间。
  What  white? A swan  white 什么是白色?
  Sailing in the light. 阳光下嬉水的天鹅就是白色。
  What  yellow? Pears are yellow, 什么是黄色?梨儿就是黄色,
  Rich and ripe and mellow. 熟透且多汁。
  What  green? The grass  green, 什么是绿色?草就是绿色,
  With small flowers between. 小花掺杂其间。
  What  violet? Clouds are violet 什么是紫色?夏日夕阳里的
  In the summer twilight. 彩霞就是紫色。
  What  orange? Why, an orange, 什么是橘色?当然啦!
  Just an orange! 橘子就是橘色。
  by C. G. Rossetti
  i love you not because of who you are,but because of who i am when i am with you.
  no man or woman  worth your tears,and the one who  ,won"t make you cry.
  the worst way to ms someone  to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them.
  never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who  falling in love with your smile.
  to the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.
  don"t waste your time on a man/woman,who n"t willing to waste their time on you.
  just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to,doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have.
  don"t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.
  maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful.
  don"t cry because it  over,smile because it happened.
  life  a pure flame,and we live by an invible sun within us.
  slight unpremeditated words are borne
  by every common wind into the air;
  carelessly utter"d, die as soon as born,
  and in one instant give both hope and fear:
  breathing all contraries with the same wind
  according to the caprice of the mind.
  but billetdoux are constant witnesses,
  substantial records to eternity;
  just evidences,who the truth confess,
  on which the lover safely may rely;
  they"re serious thoughts,digested and resolv"d;
  and last,when words are into clouds devolv"d.
  Of all the wonderful gifts that we"ve been given, one of the greatest  freedom.
  Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I"m Faith.
  As much as we may deny it we are free in th life.
  We are free in what we think, free in what we feel, free in what we say, and free in what we do. Yes, life may give us some very difficult circumstances at times, but we are still free in how we choose to react to them.
  Many people in th life deny their freedom. They sit back in their mery and blame it on their parents, or their childhood, their health, or their financial problems. They never once stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and their own happiness.
  The truth  that we"ve been given the power to choose love and joy in our lives no matter what happens to us. No one has ever been or will ever be strong enough to take our freedom away from us.
  You"re ltening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I"m Faith. Don"t deny your freedom, rejoice in it, cherh it, and use it every day of your life!
  Remember, you are free to create the type of life you have always wanted, the choice  up to you…
  My love  like to ice, and I to fire;
  How comes it then that th her cold so great
  Is not dsolved through my so hot desire,
  But harder grows the more I her entreat!
  Or how comes it that my exceeding heat
  Is not delayed by her heart-frozen cold;
  But that I burn much more in boiling sweat,
  And feel my flames augmented manifold!
  What more miraculous thing may be told,
  That fire, which all things melts, should harden ice;
  And ice, which  congealed with senseless cold,
  Should kindle fire by wonderful device!
  Such  the power of love in gentle mind,
  That it can alter all the course of kind.
  If ever two were one, then surely we.
  If ever man were lov’d by wife, then thee;
  If ever wife was happy in a man,
  Compare with me ye momen if you can.
  I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold,
  Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
  My love  such that Rivers cannot quench,
  Nor ought but love from thee, give recompence.
  Thy love  such I can no way repay,
  The heavens reward thee manifold I pray.
  Then while we live, in love lets so persever,
  That when we live no more, we may live ever.
  Fresh Spring, the herald of love"s mighty king,
  In whose cote-armour richly are dplayed
  All sorts of flowers, the which on earth do spring,
  In goodly colours gloriously arrayed -
  Goe to my love, where she  carelesse layd,
  Yet in her winter"s bowre not well awake;
  Tell her the joyous time will not be staid,
  Unlesse she doe him by the forelock take;
  Bid her therefore her selfe soone ready make,
  To wayt on Love amongst h lovely crew;
  Where every one, that mseth then her make,
  Shall be by him amearst with penance dew.
  Make hast, therefore, sweet love, whilest it  prime;
  For none can call againe the passed time.


  Learn to sorrow blind eye。学会熟视无睹对于悲伤。以下是小编整理分享的关于爱情幸福英文个性签名,欢迎鉴赏!
  1、You will not be the same as I think you want me.你会不会像我想你一样的想我。
  2、让我来当你的谁 let me am your whoever
  3、Bitch is affectedly unconventional biao子就是矫情
  4、Each piece of the young will be old 每段年少都会苍老。
  5、Learn to sorrow blind eye。学会熟视无睹对于悲伤。
  6、 One life one love 一生一爱
  7、Accustomed, one day.已经习惯了,一个人的日子。
  8、Dance years. Stole many memories.婆娑的岁月,偷走了多少回忆。
  9、If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic.如果一切都是戏,我们何必演的那么逼真。
  10、Want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.想说再见愿为时不远。我坚信你能听见。
  11、Finally turn in the passing of time is not only just.最后转眼流逝的绝不仅仅是时光而已。
  12、Thickly flood of sadness as the sea, like engulf chilled.密密麻麻泛滥的悲伤像大海一样吞噬冰凉。
  13、I began to aphasia. Hiding in own corner of stability and calm.我开始失语,躲在自己的角落安定从容。
  14、Indulges the missing pain troubled, inventorying has dripped lonely the rough sound.放纵思念痛苦的纷扰,盘点寂寞淌过坎坷的声音。
  15、I do not just missed the past, also in miss past beautiful good times.我不只是在怀念过去,也在怀念过去美丽的好时光。
  16、Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever.是谁赐我们遇见 却不一并赠我们永远。
  17、It is better to be an original version of yourself than an exact …做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。
  18、When it comes to love the people, the world is most beautiful landscapes are rendered.当遇上喜欢的人、世界上最美丽的风景都呈现。
  19、Your eyes are any hint of warm not for me.你眼里的任何一丝温暖都不是为我而来的。
  20、To look back, and saw one no longer young, never make public does not rise.再回首,看见自己不再韶华,再也张扬不起来。
  21、As long as no death simply Fortunately.只要没死就还好
  22、One person you loved is not love 万千宠爱也不及你一人疼爱
  23、Love you more than myself 爱你胜过爱自己
  24、North of the city to the north is not to miss .北城以北思念不归
  25、Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。
  26、I am not lazy,i just really enjoy doing noting.我不懒,我只是喜欢什么也不做而已
  27、Playing with my heart you can not afford to lose.跟我玩心你输不起。
  28、Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。
  29、I look not beautiful but I have to do my own.我长得不美,但是我一直做我自己。
  30、We hadd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。
  31、Tough times do not last, but tough people do.痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。
  32、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.时光的宿命就是见证人们的过错。
  33、Hate missing, and a smile and min. 恨不知所踪,一笑而泯。
  34、My heart beats for you 我的心跳动为了你
  35、~ A boy can do everything for girl
  36、Parted as friend and not because he had hurt.分手以后不做朋友, 是因为曾经伤害过。
  37、The healthiest response to life is joy.对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐。
  38、Many things, it is to should be passes years precipitation will gradually becoming clearer.许多事情,都是要经过岁月的沉淀才会逐渐清晰起来。
  39、Love is a dashed line, we in different paragraph.爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落。
  40、A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。
  41、If you want to fly too high in relation to the horizon forget.如果想飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。
  42、Love, but not to talk, from no words to say nothing.爱情,不过是从无话不谈,到无话可说。
  43、You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt.你说,哪天我不要你了,你一定终身不嫁,让我内疚。
  44、I acted like it was not a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.我装作一切都无所谓,虽然我已心力交瘁。
  45、Live every day as the last day of life.把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。

