
来源:其他范文 时间:2018-06-04 15:00:03 阅读:



  词汇是组成英语的三大要素之一,是英语的基本构件。正如海默所言: 如果说结构是语言的骨骼,词汇就是最重要的器官和血肉。下面小编分享常用的英语单词与句子给你们,希望对你们有用。
  1. The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.
  loser [ "lu:z ] n. 失败者,遗失者
  closely [ "kluzli ] ad. 接近地
  enclose [ in"kluz ] v. 围绕,放入封套,装 [计算机] 括入
  closet [ "klzit ] n. 壁橱,小室 a. 秘密的,空论的
  2. The composer was proposed to decompose his composition into components.
  composer [ km"puz ] n. 作曲家
  propose [ pr"puz ] v. 计划,打算,向...提议
  decompose [ di:km"puz ] v. 分解
  composition [ kmp"zin ] n. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份
  component [ km"punnt ] n. 元件,组件,成份 a. 组成的,构成的
  3. Suppose you were exposed in the opposite position by your opponent, ...
  suppose [ s"puz ] v. 推想,假设,以为,认为 应该,获准(be suppose to),让(虚拟语气)
  opposite [ "pzit ] a. 相对的,相反的,对面的 prep. 对面
  expose [ iks"puz ] v. 暴露,揭穿,陈列
  position [ p"zin ] n. 位置,职位,状态 v. 安置,决定...的位置
  opponent [ "punnt ] n. 对手,敌手,反对者 a. 敌对的,反对的
  4. The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.
  depositor [ di"pzit ] n. 寄托者,存款人
  positively [ "pztivli ] ad. 必定(确定,确实地,断然,绝对,积极地)
  position [ p"zin ] n. 位置,职位,状态 v. 安置,决定...的位置
  preposition [ prep"zin ] n. 介词
  purpose [ "p:ps ] n. 目的,意图
  5. In church the nurse cursed the people pursuing the purple purse.
  nurse [ n:s ] n. 护士,褓姆,奶妈 v. 看护,照顾,栽培
  curse [ k:s ] 诅咒,咒骂
  pursue [ p"sju: ] v. 追捕,追求,继续从事
  purple [ "p:pl ] a. 紫色的 n. 紫色
  purse [ p:s ] n. 钱包, 资金,金钱,财富 v. 皱起,使缩拢
  6. The faculty for agricultural culture isn""t difficult to cultivate.
  faculty [ "fklti ] n. 才能,能力,全体教员 n. (大学的)系, 科, 院
  culture [ "klt ] n. 文化,教养,种植
  cultivate [ "kltiveit ] v. 培养,耕作,畜
  agricultural [ gri"kltrl ] a. 农业的
  difficult [ "difiklt ] a. 困难的
  7. The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.
  reservoir [ "rezvw


  The United States of America, also known as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., and America, is a country in North America that shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and a sea border with Russia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, the United States is a federal republic, with its capital in Washington, D.C.
  The present-day continental United States has been inhabited for at least 15,000 years by indigenous tribes.[1] After European exploration and settlement in the 16th century, the English established their own colonies—and gained control of others that had been begun by other European nations—in the eastern portion of the continent in the 17th and early 18th centuries. On 4 July 1776, at war with Britain over fair governance, thirteen of these colonies declared their independence. In 1783, the war ended in British acceptance of the new nation. Since then, the country has more than quadrupled in size: it now consists of 50 states and one federal district; it also has numerous overseas territories.
  At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.5 million km²), the U.S. is the third or fourth largest country by total area, depending on whether the disputed areas of China are included. It is the world"s third most populous nation, with nearly 300 million people.
  The United States has maintained a liberal democratic political system since it adopted its Articles of Confederation on 1 March 1781 and the Constitution, the Articles" replacement, on 17 September 1787. American military, economic, cultural, and political influence increased throughout the 20th century; with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War, the nation emerged as the world"s sole remaining superpower.[2] Today, it plays a major role in world affairs.
  The earliest known use of the name America is from 1507, when a globe and a large map created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller in Saint-Die-des-Vosges described the combined continents of North and South America. Although the origin of the name is uncertain[3], the most widely held belief is that expressed in an accompanying book, Cosmographiae Introductio, which explains it as a feminized version of the Latin name of Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (Americus Vespucius); in Latin, the other continents" names were all feminine. Vespucci theorized, correctly, that Christopher Columbus, on reaching islands in the Caribbean Sea in 1492, had come not to India but to a "New World".
  The Americas were also known as Columbia, after Columbus, prompting the name District of Columbia for the land set aside as the U.S. capital. Columbia remained a popular name for the United States until the early 20th century, when it fell into relative disuse; but it is still used poetically and appears in various names and titles. A female personification of the country is also called Columbia; she is similar to Britannia.[4][5][6][7] Columbus Day, a holiday in the U.S. and other countries in the Americas commemorating Columbus" October 1492 landing.
  The term "united States of America" was first used officially in the Declaration of Independence, adopted on 4 July 1776. On 15 November 1777, the Second Continental Congreadopted the Articles of Confederation, the first of which stated "The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America.""
  The adjectival and demonymic forms for the United States are American, a point of controversy among some.
  最早使用的名称美国从1507年开始,当一个截止阀和一个大地图创建的瓦尔德泽米勒所绘制德国地理学家马丁在Saint-Die-des-Vosges描述了北美和南美大陆。虽然名字的起源是不确定的[3],最普遍的信仰是表示在一本书,Cosmographiae Introductio,这也解释了它作为一个女性化版本的拉丁名字的意大利探险家阿美利哥韦斯普奇(绒毛Vespucius);在拉丁语中,其他大陆的名字都是女性。韦斯普奇的理论正确,克里斯托弗·哥伦布到达1492年在加勒比海岛屿,已经不是印度,而是一个“新的世界”。
  Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized. The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from 1700 to 1949 are es- timated backward by every 50 years. Linking the result with modern National Forest Inventory data, the spatial-temporal dynamics of Chinese forest in recent 300 years (AD 1700–1998) is quantitatively analyzed. The study shows that in recent 300 years, the forest area in current territory of China has declined by 0.95×108 hm2 (or 9.2% of the coverage rate) in total, with a trend of decrease and recovery. Before the 1960s, there was a trend of accelerated de- scending. The forest area was reduced by 1.66×108 hm2 (or 17% of the coverage rate) in 260 years. While after the 1960s, there has been a rapid increase. The forest area increased by 0.7×108 hm2 (or 8% of the coverage rate) in 40 years. The study also shows that there is a significant spatial difference in the dynamics of forest. The amplitudes of increasing and de- creasing in western China are both smaller than the ones in eastern China. During the rapid declining period from 1700 to 1949, the most serious decrease appeared in the Northeast, the Southwest and the Southeast, where the coverage rate in most provinces dropped over 20%. In Heilongjiang Province, the coverage rate dropped by 50%. In Jilin Province, it dropped by 36%. In Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, it dropped by 42%. In Yunnan Prov- ince, it dropped by 35%. During the recovery period 1949–1998, the western provinces, mu- nicipality and autonomous regions, including Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Si- chuan–Chongqing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, etc, the increase rates are all below 5%, while the eastern provinces, municipality and autonomous regions (except Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jiangsu–Shanghai) have achieved an increase over 5%, among which the Guang- dong–Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, and Fu- jian have an increase over 10%.
  根据历史文献、现代调查和统计,以及前人研究的结果,这一趋势和主要森林动态识别的过程。每个省的森林面积、森林覆盖率从1700年到1949年中国的es - timated向后每50年。连接结果与现代国家森林库存数据,中国森林的时空动力学在最近300年(公元1700年- 1700年)是定量分析。研究表明,在最近的300年,森林面积在当前中国境内已经下降了0.95×108款hm2(或9.2%的覆盖率),减少和恢复的趋势。在1960年代之前,有一个趋势,加速de -左右摇晃。森林面积减少1.66×108款hm2(或17%的覆盖率)在260年。在1960年代后,迅速增加。森林面积增加了0.7×108款hm2(或8%的覆盖率)在40年。研究还表明,存在着显著的空间差异的动态的森林。的振幅增加,de -压痕在中国西部都是低于中国东部的。快速下降的时期从1700年到1949年,最严重的减少出现在东北,西南和东南,大部分省份的覆盖率下降超过20%。在黑龙江省,覆盖率下降了50%。在吉林省,下降了36%。在四川省和重庆市,下降了42%。云南箴言——因斯,下降了35%。复苏期间1949 - 1998年,西部省份,μ- nicipality和自治区,包括宁夏、甘肃、内蒙古、Si - chuan-Chongqing,云南、西藏、新疆和青海、等,增加率都低于5%,东部省份,直辖市、自治区(除黑龙江、湖北、Jiangsu-Shanghai)实现了增加超过5%,其中光——dong-Hainan、广西、安徽、京津冀、山东、河南、浙江、和傅——剑已经增加超过10%。


  Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 30 points in all)
  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D, then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  1.Will you speak louder so as make people _____ you?
  A.to hear B.heard C.hearing D.hear
  2.The car industry can’t survive ______ the government help.
  A.without B.with C.besides D.except
  3.I had considerable difficulty ________ her to go out for a drink with me.
  A.to persuade B.to have persuaded C.persuade D.persuading
  4.Mr. Black, our new English teacher, is strict _________ kind.
  A.or B.but C.with D.as well
  5._______ China Today is a good way of improving our English.
  A.Having read B.Have read C.Reading D.Read
  6.If I ________ you, I wouldn’t miss the chance tomorrow morning.
  A.be B.will be C.am D.were
  7.Those who want to attend the meeting should _______ the form.
  A.fill in B.fill up C.fill with D.fill of
  8.After ______ for the job, the interviewees will be required to take a health check.
  A.to interview B.being interviewed C.interviewing D.having interviewed
  9.Compared ________ our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.
  A.in B.for C.with D.as
  10.——Each of the hard-working students ________ to go to college.
  ——So do we.
  A.hope B.hoping C.hoped D.hopes
  11.He says ______ clearly ________ beginners understand most of his words.
  A.such…that B.so…that C.such a …that D.so a …that
  12.Language is a tool _________ people communicate with each other.
  A.by all means B.by means of C.by means of which D.by means of that
  13.Julia didn’t have enough clothes ________ a week.
  A.to last B.last C.lasted D.last for
  14.He is pleased ________ what you have given him.
  A.of B.to C.with D.in
  15.Scarcely had he fallen ________ when a knock at the door awakened him.
  A.sleeping B.asleep C.sleepy D.sleeper
  16.It is strongly recommended that teachers _______ computers in their teaching.
  A.will use B.shall use C.use D.used
  17.The more careful they are, _________
  A.the less mistakes will they make
  B.the less mistakes they’ll make
  C.the fewer mistakes will they make
  D.the fewer mistakes they’ll make
  18.John will get the money from his aunt _______ her death.
  A.with the help of B.in the event of C.according to D.in face of
  19.We didn’t know what to do _______ the money had gone.
  A.once B.whether C.though D.then
  20.——Mr. Jiang, long time no see. How are you?
  ——Fine, thanks. How are you _____ your teaching?
  A.getting well with B.getting across C.getting together D.getting on with
  21.Some people think __________ more about their rights than about their responsibilities.
  A.much B.too C.less D.very
  22.There are ______ as many houses in this area as there used to be.
  A.two B.twice C.second D.secondly
  23.Columbus and his crew _______ from Europe in 1492.
  A.set out B.put out C.ruled out D.sorted out
  24.______the kids have left home, we’re got a lot of extra space.
  A.Since that B.Now C.Even if D.Even so
  25.We’ve asked the neighbors to _________ the house for us while we are away.
  A.have an eye to B.keep an eye on
  C.have an eye for D.keep an eye open
  26.The hotel is going to be ________ into a nursing home.
  A.controlled B.confirmed C.consumed D.converted
  27.The young man ________ in this company since he graduated from Madison College five years ago.
  A.was working B.has been working C.works D.worked
  28.The college offers so many courses; the students haven’t decided ______
  A.where to choose B.whom to choose C.which to choose D.why to choose
  29.He said he’d phone you ______ he got home.
  A.for a while B.after a while C.at moment D.the moment
  30.With a good ______ of both Chinese and English, Miss Lin was assigned to be the tour guide for the American visitors.
  A.command B.interest C.result D.impression
  Part II Cloze (1 point each, 15 points in all)
  Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  A college or university’s international student office is a good place ____31__getting to know the school and the country .Let’s ____32__support services for international students in the United States. Our example is the University of Southern California (U.S.C.),____33___has had the most international students in American colleges or universities ___34__ the past seven years. U.S.C. ’s Office of International Services says ____35___student this years is about seven thousand five hundred.
  The Office helps _____36___student life at the university. It also organizes programs to help foreign ______37___feel more relaxed in their new surroundings. Most American colleges and universities have a similar _____38____that helps international students. These offices look for ways to get students ____39___in school life and make ____40___friends. Their job is not always easy. International students often want to ____41__thier free time with friends from their own countries. The office at U.S.C. ___42__assists family members who come to the United States with international students. The family members can take English classes and go on trips to places ______43__museums.
  India, China, South Korea, Japan and Canada _____44__the most students to the United States during the last school ____45____.Next came Tai, Mexico, and Thailand.
  31.A.to start B.starts C.to stop D.stops
  32.A.talk B.to talk C.talk about D.to talk about
  33.A.that B.who C.whose D.which
  34.A.as B.for C.to D.at
  35.A.the number of B.a number of C.a lot of D.a great deal of
  36.A.express B.expressing C.explain D.explaining
  37.A.college B.colleges C.student D.students
  38.A.branch B.office C.department D.organization
  39.A.consisted B.consisting C.involved D.involving
  40.A.rich B.poor C.old D.new
  41.A.cost B.spend C.take D.save
  42.A.also B.yet C.already D.thus
  43.A.unlikely B.unlike C.like D.likely
  44.A.sent B.took C.brought D.carried
  45.A.month B.year C.week D.day
  Port III Reading Comprehension (2,5 points each, 50 points in all)
  Directions: There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill, You should read the passages below carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.
  Task 1
  Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements (No.46 to No.50). For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
  Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four time zones, one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.
  If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day, As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.
  If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the International Date Line. By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, today becomes yesterday; traveling west, it is tomorrow.
  46.Strange things happen to time when you travel because _______
  A.no day really has twenty-four hours
  B.the earth is divided into time zones
  C.time zones are not all the same size
  D.no one knows where time zones begin
  47.The time difference between two neighboring zones is ________
  A.one day B.twenty-five hours
  C.one hour D.twenty-three hours
  48.According to paragraph 2, it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean______
  A.is one time zone
  B.is divided into five time zones
  C.is divided into twenty-four time zones
  D.cannot be crossed in five days
  49.If you cross the ocean going east, you set your clock______
  A.ahead one hour in each new time zone
  B.ahead one hour for the whole trip
  C.back one hour in each new time zone
  D.back one hour for the whole trip
  50.The International Date Line is the name for ______
  A.the beginning of any new time zone
  B.any point where time changes by one hour
  C.the point where a new day starts
  D.any time zone in the Pacific Ocean
  Task 2
  Directions: This task (No.51 to 55) is the same as Task1
  Today almost 70% of the electrical power we use comes from power plants that use fossil fuels (矿物燃料) to make electricity. Fossil fuels, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, are burned to make electricity. Burning fossil fuels releases pollution and carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into the air. The more fossil fuels we burn, the warmer the air around Earth gets. So building fossil fuel plans is not always the best answer.
  Actually, there are other ways to make electricity without burning fossil fuels. People have been using the power of wind for centuries. Wind power won’t solve all our energy problems, but it can help meet some of the demands in certain places. Since the late 1800s, scientists have been working to turn the sun’s energy into electricity by using solar cells (太阳能电池). The problem is, solar cells are very expensive. Another way to make electricity is to use nuclear energy. It has been used for more than 50 years. Today about 10 percent of all the electricity used in the U.S.A. comes from this source.
  Although nuclear power doesn’t pollute the air as the burning of fossil fuels does, there is a major drawback . The waste products from nuclear power plants are dangerous and must be stored in safe places. Many people are concerned about the safety of nuclear power.
  51.The best title for this passage may be ________
  A.The Importance of Electricity
  B.The Pollution of Making Electricity from Fossil Fuels
  C.The Advantage of Using Nuclear Energy
  D.Means of Making Electrical Power
  52.Which energy has damage to us according to the passage?
  A.Wind power B.Fossil fuels
  C.Solar power D.Water power
  53.We can infer from the passage that _________
  A.burning fossil fuels to make electricity is widely used
  B.wind power is a widespread way to make electricity
  C.energy problems will soon be solved
  D.nuclear energy will solve all the energy problems we are facing
  54.What does the underlined word “drawback”(in Para.3)mean?
  A.effect B.advantage C.disadvantage D.concern
  55.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
  A.Fossil fuels should be encouraged to use to make electricity
  B.Not all the areas could use wind power.
  C.Solar energy costs the most
  D.Using nuclear energy will not produce negative effect.
  Task 3
  Directions: This task (No.56 to No.60) is the same as Task 1.
  A new study by the Development of Health in tai shows that more than half of the adult population in tai lacks an understanding of health problems.
  More than 2,000 adults took part in the survey to find out about their knowledge of diet, health-care, disease control and medicine. Surprisingly, only 51% of the people surveyed understand that common cold has no cure, and taking medicine is absolutely no use at all. The problem is mad worse by doctors who give their patients large doses of useless drugs. More than two-thirds believe that it is only the nicotine in cigarettes rather than the other chemicals that causes cancer. These people believe that if they smoke “light” cigarettes with less nicotine, they will lead to more illness, suffering and early death.
  But the outlook for health education in tai is not all negative. The survey concludes that younger taiese have a better understanding of health concerns than their parents, while senior citizens have the least understanding among the three age groups.
  56.The purpose of the survey is to find out _______
  A.why people neglect their health
  B.what people know about health
  C.when to provide health education
  D.who is more likely to become ill
  57.Which of the following is TRUE about medicines for cold?
  A.They can cure common cold.
  B.Doctors often discourage the patients from taking them.
  C.About 51% of the patients take them.
  D.Some taiese take them unnecessarily.
  58.According to the survey, most taiese believe that ____.
  A.only nicotine leads to cancer
  B.few people will get cancer
  C.”light ”cigarettes make people healthy
  D.other chemicals besides nicotine cause cancer
  59.About ______ of taiese adults smoke
  A.one-third B.two-thirds
  C.a half D.a quarter
  60.The survey shows that ________ have the best understanding of health concerns.
  A.senior citizens B.middle

