
来源:教学考试试卷 时间:2018-07-24 15:00:04 阅读:



  1. A 解析:A选项划线部分发音为/ i: /,其余选项划线部分发音均为/e/.
  2. A 解析:A选项划线部分发音为/ e /,其余选项划线部分发音均为/ei/.
  3. D 解析:D选项划线部分发音为//,其余选项划线部分发音均为/g/.
  4. C 解析:C选项划线部分发音为/  /,其他选项划线部分发音均为/ i /
  5. C 解析:C选项划线部分发音为/ d/,其他选项划线部分发音均为/ t/
  1.A 解析:本题考察的是有关child的习惯用法。Child’s play 本意是轻而易举之事。所以,应选答案A 太容易了。
  2. B 解析:本题考查的是观察理解能力。一定要把题目读懂。根据题意:如果post是1234,那么我们就可以推断出p=1 o=2 s=3 t=4.那么top应该用那几个数字表示就很容易得出。
  3. Seat
  4.C 解析:本题考查的是学生的生活常识。哪种动物经常穿着鞋子就睡觉了?答案应该是马,因为马平时都是被人们钉上马掌的。
  5.B 解析:本题考查的是英美姓名中,姓氏与名字的位置---名字在前,姓氏在后。女孩叫做Mary Johns,她的名字是Mary。但是她嫁人之后,就要随丈夫Charles Smith的姓氏Smith了。所以她的名字应该是Mary Smith。
  1. B 解析:本题考查的是动词后面应该选用宾语。词的宾格形式可以充当宾语。要牢记词的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词的不同形式以及用法。
  2.B 解析:本题考查的是名词变复数的特殊情况。Photo是可数名词,以o结尾的单词比较特殊,有生命的单词后加es,而无生命的后面加s.
  3.C 解析:本题考查的是不定冠词的用法。不定冠词a和an的用法区别在于单词的首音标是否为元音音标。元音就要填an. University虽然是元音字母开头,但他的首音标是辅音音标/j/,所以要填a. island的首音标为元音音标/ai/。要填an.
  4. D 解析:本题考查的是固定搭配。many thousands of 意味成千上万的。
  5.B 解析:本题考查的是形容词的比较级。看到题干中有than,就可以断定此题应该是考比较级。Long为单音节词,变比较级只需要直接在词尾加er.
  6. D 解析:本题考查的是词的固定搭配。加糖加奶的咖啡就是coffee with some sugar and milk.
  7. C 解析:本题考查的是happen词的特殊用法。Happen 本身没有被动。排除A.题目问事故是什么时候发生的?只是简简单单的提问一个事实,只要使用一般过去时就可以。
  8.D 本题考查的是延续动词的完成时态。题干中出现since一词,要选用完成时。Begin 是点动词,可以表示动作已经开始了,但是不能表示持续的动作,会议已经持续了20多天,要选择last.
  9.A 本题考查的是固定搭配。Some…others…一些...另一些...。Other是另一个,another 是指三个人中另一个, the other是指有范围内的另一个。
  10.B 本题考查的是关联词的用法。根据题意应该选用转折连词,尽管王叔叔不富裕,他还是在尽其所有捐助希望小学。
  11 D 本题考查的是宾语从句的语序及时态。宾语从句应该是陈述语序,排除A、B。主句一般,从句可以用任何时态。根据回答当时我不在场,已经发生的事情,应该选择过去时。
  12. C本题考查的是反义疑问句的回答。根据前肯后否原则,排除A、B。提问使用的是行为动词teach的过去式,回答应用助动词的相应过去时态。
  13. D 本题考查的是stop词组的两种用法。Stop to do 是停止手上的事去做另一件事。Stop doing 是停止手上正在进行的事。根据题意我们停下来休息会。应选D
  14.C 本题考查的是定语从句关联词的选择。根据题意,指代的是物computer,要选择that 或者which.
  15. C 本题考查的是习惯用法。对方提出建议4:30见面好不好?回答all right可以。Never mind 别介意。Ok, I will. 是对方提出要求,答应做到。I’d love to 是喜欢做某事。
  1. getting colder and colder
  解析:考查的是比较级X-er and X-er越来越的用法。题干中已经给出谓语动词is,get变得要变成分词形式表示主动的,逐渐的。
  2. too small to
  解析:本题考查的是too…to 太…以至于不能的用法。
  3. one of the biggest countries
  解析:本题考查的是诸多事务中最高级的用法。One of 来体现之一,后面的名词要用复数表示诸多。
  1.A 解析:本题考查hundred的用法。hundred是一个确数,表示一百,前有固定数字的时候,要选择hundred. hundreds of是一个概数,表示“数以百计”。
  2. C 解析:本题考查非谓语动词。在see, watch, hear, feel, find, have, keep等动词之后,现在分词做宾补。
  3.C 解析:本题考查固定搭配。be full of, be filled with=fill with 都是充满的意思。
  4.B 解析:本题考查上下文理解。上文提到,尽管Mr. Clock喜欢做这些,但是他的妻子…出现转折的意思,应该选择不喜欢。
  5.D 解析:本题考查词许多的用法。a lot of = lots of,可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为“许多”, “大量的”,相当于many或much。a lot, a lot of, lots of通常用于肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much。
  6.C 解析:本题考查上下文理解。上文提到,她每天有很多工作要做。那么擦几百个钟表对她来说是不容易的。
  7.C 解析:本题考查的是形容词的意思。every指许多人或物中的“每个”,侧重于全体,近乎all的涵义。根据上文,家里面五百个表都有自己的时间,所以在家里的所有时间她都能听见钟表的敲打声。Any 表示任何,多用于疑问、否定句。Each表示两个或者两个以上事物中的每一个。
  8.D 解析:本题考查上下文理解。后面一句中提到,周围这么多表,她反而不知道现在是几点。与前面的事情相比,这是件更糟糕的事情。Even 甚至,更加。Even放在比较级的前面,表示加强修饰比较级。
  1.B 解析:本题依据在第一段第一行。三年前他在邮局工作,六十岁的时候退休了,现在是六十三岁。
  2.A 解析:本题依据在第一段第三至第四行。他在家没什么事情可做,既不喜欢读书也不喜欢看比赛。也不知道怎样打发时间。
  3.B 解析:本题依据在第二段。这是一个很好的运动。
  4.B 解析:本题依据在最后一句。这是一道推断题。Mr. Smith说他的鱼漂下沉了,说明钓到鱼了,这一天他很幸运。
  1.D 解析:本题依据在第一段第三行。
  2.B 解析:本题依据在第一段最后一行。
  3.D 解析:本题依据在第三段第一行。Jane的妈妈说还是有一件事情她没有理解。
  5.C 解析:本题依据在第二段的第二行,Jane叮嘱妈妈不要忘了打开电源。所以电是至关重要的。


  1. Which of the following statements about accounting concepts or assumptions are correct? 1) The money measurement assumption is that items in accounts are initially measured at their historical cost.
  2) In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudence concept.
  3) To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes in them are disclosed.
  4) To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financial statements. A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 3 only D 2 and 3
  2. Johnny had receivables of $5 500 at the start of 2010. During the year to 31 Dec 2010 he makes credit sales of $55 000 and receives cash of $46 500 from credit customers. What is the balance on the accounts receivables at 31 Dec 2010? A. $8 500 Dr       B. $8 500 Cr        C. $14 000 Dr        D. $14 000 Cr
  3. Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s cash flow statement? A.  Yes              B.  No
  C.  Not sure        D.  Either
  4. Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the highest figure for closing inventory at a time when prices are dropping? A.  Weighted Average cost B.  First in first out (FIFO) C.  Last in first out (LIFO) D.  Unit cost
  5.  Which of following items may appear as non-current assets in a company’s the statement of financial position?
  (1) plant, equipment, and property (2) company car (3) 4000 cash (4) 1000 cheque A. (1), (3)
  B. (1), (2)  C. (2), (3) D. (2), (4)
  6. Which of the following items may appear as current liabilities in a company’s balance sheet?
  (1) investment in subsidiary
  (2) Loan matured within one year. (3) income tax accrued untill year end. (4) Preference dividend accrued A (1), (2) and (3) B (1), (2) and (4) C (1), (3) and (4) D (2), (3) and (4)
  7. The trial balance totals of Gamma at 30 September 2010 are:
  Debit $992,640 Credit $1,026,480
  Which TWO of the following possible errors could, when corrected, cause the trial balance to agree?
  1. An item in the cash book $6,160 for payment of rent has not been entered in the rent payable account.
  2. The balance on the motor expenses account $27,680 has incorrectly been listed in the trial balance as a credit.
  3. $6,160 proceeds of sale of a motor vehicle has been posted to the debit of motor vehicles asset account.
  4. The balance of $21,520 on the rent receivable account has been omitted from the trial balance. A 1 and 2 B 2 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4
  8. Listed below are some characteristics of financial information. (1) True (2) Prudence (3) Completeness (4) Correct
  Which of these characteristics contribute to reliability? A (1), (3) and (4) only  B (1), (2) and (4) only C (1), (2) and (3) only D (2), (3) and (4) only
  (window.cproArray = window.cproArray || []).push({ id: "u3054369" });
  9. Which of the following statements are correct?
  (1) to be prudent, company charge depreciation annually on the fixed asset
  (2) substance over form means that the commercial effect of a transaction must always be shown in the financial statements even if this differs from legal form
  (3) in order to achieve the comparable, items should be treated in the same way year on year A.  2 and 3 only    B.  All of them C.  1 and 2 only      D.  3 only
  10. which of the following about accruals concept are correct? (1) all financial statements are based on the accruals concept
  (2) the underlying theory of accruals concept and matching concept are same
  (3) accruals concept deals with any figure that incurred in the period irrelevant with it’s paid or not
  A.  2 and 3 only    B.  All of them C.  1 and 2 only      D.  3 only
  1. 借:固定资产清理           30 000
  累计折旧                            10 000
  贷:固定资产                     40 000
  2.借:应付票据                40 000
  贷:银行存款                     40 000
  2、将下列词组按要求翻译(中翻英,英翻中) (1) 零用资金 (2) 本票 (3) 试算平衡
  (4) 不动产、厂房和设备 (5) Notes and coins (6) money order (7) general ledger (8) direct debt (9) 报销
  (10) revenue and gains
  Johnny set up a business and in the first a few days of trading the following transactions occurred (ignore all the tax):
  1) He invests $80 000 of his money in his business bank account.
  2) He then buys goods from Isabel, a supplier for $4 000 and pays by cheque, the goods is delivered right after the payment
  3) A sale is made for $3 000


  一)、根据汉语意思写单词或词组。( 5 分 )
  1、发烧 2、悲伤的 3、更重的 4、更强壮的 5、兴奋的
  ———— ———— ———— ———— ————
  )、1. A tired B excited C angry D hurt
  )、2. A watched B washed C cleaned D visit
  )、3. A bigger B younger C shorter D heavy
  )、4. A think B feel C kick D medicine
  )、5、A hurt B have a cold C have a fever D bored
  二、单项选择 ( 10 分)
  ) 1、______ monkey do you like ? I like the yellow one.
  A Which B What C What’s D Where
  ) 2、______ tall is your mother ? She is 164cm tall.
  A How B What C How many D When
  ) 3、How _____ are you ? I’m 65kg.
  A tall B big C heavy D long
  ) 4、I failed my math test . ______ .
  A Oh,sorry B I’m sorry to hear that C Don’t worry
  ) 5、You ______ sad today .
  A look B watch C see D look at
  ) 6、______ the matter ? I have a fever .
  A What’s B What’re C What D How’s
  ) 7、You are 164cm , I’m 160cm , you are 4cm _____ than me.
  A big B bigger C tall D taller
  ) 8、I went to a park ______ bike .
  A on B by C in D table
  ) 9、He jumped into the lake and ______ to it .
  A swim B swims C swimed D swam
  ) 10、What did you do _______ weekend ?
  A last B next C on D at
  三、选择正确答案 ( 10 分 )
  ) 1、 Do you have a fever ? A She is sad .
  ) 2、 How are you ? B Yes , I have .
  ) 3、 What’s the matter ? C I’m fine , thanks .
  ) 4、 How does Amy feel ? D Yes , she is tired.
  ) 5、 Is she tired now ? E I have a headache.
  四、 题中5个句子分别描述了一幅图画,请将图片的字母标号填写在相应句子前面的括号内。( 10 分 )
  A B C D E
  ) 1、 I am sad . ( ) 2、 I’m taller than you .
  ) 3、 I have a headache . ( ) 4、Playing the football .
  ) 5、 Wash clothes .
  五、 看图完成对话 ( 10 分 )
  1、 A : How does Zhang Peng feel ?
  B : He _____ ______ ______ .
  2、 A : How ______ are you ?
  B : I’m 50kg .
  3、 John’s team fails at last .
  John feels ______ .
  4、 John is going to play football with
  his friend . He is ______ .
  5、 What did you do last Saturday ?
  I _______ ______ _______ .
  六、排序 ( 10 分 )
  ) I like the yellow one .
  ) Which monkey do you like .
  ) What about you ?
  ) I like the brown one.
  ) I don’t like the yellow one .

